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<br />Resolution No. PC-96-84 <br />Page 11 <br /> <br />Urhan Clean Water Run-Off <br /> <br />48. The applicant shall install a structural control, such as an oil/water separator, sand filter, <br />or approved equal in the parking lot to intercept and pretreat storm water prior to reaching <br />the storm drain. The design, locations, and a schedule for maintaining the separator shall <br />be submitted to the City Engineer/Director of Building Inspection for review and <br />approval prior to issuance of building permits. The structural control shall be cleaned at <br />least twice a year: once inunediately prior to October 15 and once in January. The <br />applicant shall enter into a maintenance agreement for the oil/water separator. <br /> <br />49. The applicant shall sweep or vacuum the parking lot and sidewalks a minimum of once a <br />month and shall prevent the accumulation of litter and debris on the site. Corners and <br />hard to reach areas shall be swept manually. If sidewalks and/or the parking lot are <br />pressure washed, debris must be trapped and collected to prevent entry into the storm <br />drain system. No cleaning agent may be discharged into the storm drain. If any cleaning <br />agent or degreaser is used, wash water must be collected and discharged to the sanitary <br />sewer, subject to approval of the Dublin-San Ramon Services District (DSRSD). <br /> <br />50. The applicant shall label all on-site storm drain inlets with the wording, "No Dumping -- <br />Drains to Bay" using City-approved methods and materials. On-site storm drain facilities <br />shall be cleaned a minimum of twice a year as follows: immediately prior to October 15 <br />and once in January. Additional cleaning may be required iffound necessary by the City <br />Engineer/Director of Building Inspection. <br /> <br />51. If the project area exceeds five acres, prior to the commencement of any clearing, <br />grading, or excavation, the applicant shall submit a copy ofthe State Water Resources <br />Control Board Notice of Intent (NO!) for coverage under the State Construction Storm <br />Water General Permit. <br /> <br />52. The applicant shall include erosion control/storm water quality measures on the final <br />grading plan which shall specifically address measures to prevent soil, dirt, and debris <br />from entering the storm drain system. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, <br />hydroseeding, hay bales, sandbags, and siltation fences and are subject to the review and <br />approval of the City Engineer/Director of Building Inspection. Ifno grading plan is <br />required, necessary erosion control/storm water quality measures shall be shown on the <br />site plan submitted for an on-site permit, subject to the review and approval of the <br />Director of Building Inspection. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the <br />contractor is aware of and implements such measures. <br /> <br />{end} <br />