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<br />ORDINANCE NO. 210 <br />AN ORDINANCE Ol<~ TilE TOWN <br />OF 1'1..E..\SANTON REGULATING <br />TRAFJo'IC UPON THE PUBLIC <br />STREETS AND IU;PEAI..ING AI.L <br />OTHEH. OHDINANCgS AND <br />PARTS 01<' OHOINANCES IN <br />CONFLICT HF.REWITII. <br />The City Council of The Town <br />of Plt:asanton does ordain as follows: <br />ARTICl.E I <br />DEl<~n\ITIONS <br />Sec. 1. Definitions of Worda and <br />Phrases. (a) The following words <br />and phrases when u8ed In this or- <br />dinance shall for the PUrJJOBC of this <br />ordinance have the llH.'anlngs respec. <br />tivdy ascribed to them in this ar- <br />ticle. <br />(b) \Vhl'never any words or phrases <br />lIsl'd in this ordinance arc ~ot d~- <br />fined herein, but aTe now deflnf.'d In <br />thl. Vehicle Code of this state. such <br />definitions are incorpurated herein <br />an.t shall he de(,nled to apply to such <br />words and phrases used herein as <br />thouKh sd forth herein In full, <br />Sec. 2. Loading Zone. The space <br />adjacent to a curh re~erved ror the <br />t'xduslve use of vehicles during the <br />load in.: or unlOading of passenKers <br />or materials, <br />~(,c. 3. Official TLme Standard. <br />'Vhenever certain hours are named <br />herein thel' shall mean standard <br />time dr da.)' h.;ht saving time as ma)' <br />be In current use in this city. <br />Sec, 4, Offlci",l Traffic Control De_ <br />vices. All signs, slgnal~, markings <br />and devkes not Inconl'lh.tent with <br />this ordinance placed or erected by <br />authority of a public body or official <br />having jurisdiction ~or the pu~pose <br />of regulatlnK. warmng or gUiding <br />trl~t:~.C. 5. Park. To stand or leave <br />IHandlng Ilny vehicle. whether oc- <br />cupied or not, otherwise than tempo- <br />rarily for the purpuse of and while <br />uctually t-ngaged in loading or. un- <br />loading of passengl'rs or materials. <br />Sec. 6. Parkway. That portion of a <br />str"et other than a roadway or a <br />sidl~walk. <br />Sec. 7. Passenger Loading Zone. <br />The space adjacent to a curb re- <br />served for the exchl!'!lve use of ve- <br />hicles during the loading or unload- <br />lng of passengers. <br />Se(;. 8. Pedoatrlaa. Any person <br />afoot, <br />Sec. 9. Person. E\ery natural per- <br />son, finn, copartnership, association, <br />or corporation. <br />Sec. HI. Police Officer. EVery mem- <br />!Jer of the police depllrtm{,nt of this <br />ciW~c. 11. (a) StoP. 'Vhen required <br />means a complete cessation of move- <br />ment. <br />(II) Stop or Stand. When prohibited <br />mellns any stopplnK or standing of <br />a vehicle, whethl'r o(~cupled or not, <br />except when necessury to avoid con- <br />flict with other traffic or in com- <br />pliance with the directions of a <br />police officer or official traffic con- <br />trol device, <br />Sec, 12, Traffic. Pedestrians, ridden <br />or herded animals, vehicles, street <br />cars and other conveyances ellher <br />sln/(Iy or to,..;ether while using any <br />street for purposes of tra\'el. <br />Sec. 13. Holiday. .\ny da)' upon <br />whkh R majorlt)' of the retail stores <br />ln the Town of I'leasanton closed <br />for business. <br />St'C, 14. The consent or approval of <br />the City Council of this town, when <br />rl'qulred by thls ordlnanct~, may be <br />granted by ordinance, by resolution, <br />or by motion duly pas~ed by a ma- <br />jority of the Councilmen, <br />A RTICl.J.~ II <br />TRAI'~FIC ADMINISTRATION <br />Sec, 20. The office of City Tra.ffic <br />Eng1.neer Is hen'by established, The <br />Supl'rlntendent of Streets shall serve <br />as City Traffic Engineer in addition <br />to his other functions, and shall <br />exercise the powers and duties with <br />re!'!pect to traffic as provided in this <br />ordinance, <br />St:c, 21. (a) It shall be the general <br />duty of thl, City Tra.ffic I';nglnl'er to <br />deh:rmlne the Installation nnd main- <br />tl'nance of traffic control devices and <br />to cooperate with other city officials <br />in the development of ways and <br />means to improve traffic C'onditions <br />and to carry out the additlom~1 <br />powers and dUtil'S imposed by ordl- <br />nant'es and resolutions of this city. <br />(b) 'Vhenever the Clly Traffic <br />BnJdneer is authorized by this ordl- <br />nil lice to install or mark any traf- <br />fle eontrol device, sign, marker, or <br />zone he shall do so only with the <br />cons~nt or approval of the City <br />Council. <br />ARTICLE HI <br />~~FOnCgl\n:NT ANn OBEDIEXCE <br />. TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS <br />Sec, 30. (a) It shall be the duty of <br />Lhe offlc('rs of the Police Departm('nt <br />)1' sllch offkers as are aSfllKnt'd by <br />Lhe Chief of Police to ('nforce all <br />~tret"t traffic laws of this city and <br />:..11 of the state n'hlde laws appll- <br />:;abh~ to street traffic in this city. <br />(hI ~Iembl'r!'! of the police d('part- <br />mpnt are hereby authorized to direct <br />!ill traffic by voice, hamI, or signal <br />in conformnnce with traffic laws, <br />rrovldt'd that In the event of It fire <br />lr other emergency or to eXll~ditc <br />traffic or to !'Iafegllftrd pl'destrmns, <br />m{'mbers of the pollee department <br />may direct traffic a!'! conditions may <br />rl'qulre, notwithstanding the provi- <br />~lon8 ot the traffic laws, <br />(c) ~I',mbers of the fire depart- <br />rn{'nt. when At the sc('nl' of a fire, <br />may direct or assist the police In <br />~lrecllnK traffic thereat or in the <br />Imml'dlate vicinity, <br />Sec. 31. It is a mh:deml'anor for <br />any per!'!on to do any act forbidden <br />Jr fail to llCrform nn)' act required <br />in this ordinance. <br />Sel\ 32, No person shall wilfully <br />fall or refuse to camply with any <br />lawful order of a police officer or <br />rlre department official wtwn dlrect- <br />;nK traffic. <br />Sl'c. 33. No person other than an <br />)fflcer of the polkc departml'nt or <br />l person dl'putized by the chief po- <br />'Ice or per!'!on authoriztJd by law <br />lhall direct or attempt to direct traf- <br />~Ic by voice, hand or other signal. <br />Sec. 34. The dri\'('r of a vehicle <br />)r the per!'!on In ('harKe of any <br />mlmal involvt'd in an)" accident rt~- <br />mltlllg In damuge to any propt>rty <br />lubllcly owned or owned by a public <br />lUllt)., Including hut not limited to <br />lny (Irt> hydrant, ornamental lighting <br />lOl:<t, telephone pole, electric light <br />lr power pole. or resulting in dam- <br />l/{" to any ornamf'ntal sllnde tree, <br />rafflc control device or other prop- <br />~rty ot a like nnture locah:-d In or <br />.Iong any strect, shall within tWI'nty- <br /> <br />four (24) hours aflt"l' such accide~t <br />muke a written rt'port of Ruch nccl- <br />df'lIt to the police department of this <br />city. <br />AHTICI.E IV <br />TRAJ.'FIC CONTHOL DF.VICES <br />Sec, HI, (n) The City Trn.ffic En_ <br />gineer shall have the t~xclllslve power <br />and duty to place and maintain or <br />cau~e to be plaCl'd and ":1uintalned <br />official traffic control deVice!'! when <br />and at:< required under the traffic or- <br />dinances of this city to mllk~~ (.ffec- <br />tlve the provisions of said ordlllances. <br />(lI) \\'henever the Vehicle Code of <br />this state re<]ulrf"s for the effective- <br />'H's~ of Ilny provision ther,?of that <br />traffic control devices he Installed <br />to give notice to the public of the <br />application of such law the C?lty <br />Tra.ffic Engineer i!'! Iwreby authol'1zt~d <br />to InstaJI the nl'cessary devlct,s sub- <br />ject to nny limltntions or restrictions <br />set forth in the law applicable there- <br />to. 1 <br />(c) The City Traffic Eng neer ma.y <br />also place and maintain such addI- <br />tional traffic control devlcel:< as he <br />ma:\! del'm nect)ssary to reKula.te <br />traffic or to Kuhle or zone traffiC. <br />lie shall make such determination <br />only with the Rpproval or consent <br />of the Citv Council. <br />Sec, 11. 'The driver of. any vehicle <br />shall obey the instructIOns of an,y <br />official traffic cont,"ol device, appli- <br />cable thereto unless otherWise dl- <br />rech'd bv a police officer. <br />SI'C. 42, The City Traffic Engineer <br />Is herebv authorized to mark center <br />linl's ami lune linl's upon the I:<urface <br />of the roudway to indicate the course <br />to be traveled by vehicle!'! and may <br />place signs temporarily designating <br />lanes to he used by traffic moving <br />In a particulnr direction, regardless <br />of the c('nter line of the highway. <br />'Vhl'n authorized sll,,'Tls have been <br />placed desh:"Jl,atlng off-center traffic <br />lanes, no person shall disobey the <br />instructions glVl'n hy such signs. <br />Sec. 43. The City Traffic Engineer <br />is hereby authorlzf'd to remove, re- <br />locate or discontinue the operation <br />of any traffic control device not <br />specifically required by state Jaw <br />whenever "he shall determine In any <br />particulur case that the conditions <br />which warranted or required the in- <br />stnllatlon no longer exist or obtain. <br />Sec. 4.1. The City Traffic Engineer <br />shall det("rmlne the hours and days <br />during which any traffic control de- <br />vice shall be in operatiOIl or be in ef- <br />fect. <br /> <br />AHTICLE V <br />TUnKING MOVEMENTS <br />SIlC. 50, (a) The City Traffic EUM <br />gineer Is authorizt'd to place markers, <br />buttons, or siJ..;ns within or adjaccnt <br />to intersections indlcnting the course <br />to be traveled by vehicles turning <br />at such Intersection~, <br />(b) 'Vhen authorlzf'd markers, but- <br />tons or other indlcntlons are placed <br />wltl;ln an interSt,ction IndicntlnJ{ the <br />course to be traveled by vehicles <br />turnhlJ{ thereat, no driver of a ve- <br />hicle shall disobey the directions of <br />such indlcation",- <br />SI'C. 51. The City Traffic Engineer <br />Is hereb~" authorized to determine <br />thol:<e InterSt'ctlons at which tlrlverl:l <br />of v{'hleles shall not llmke Ii rlKht, <br />left, or U turn, und shall place prop- <br />er signs at such Intt'r!:<ections. The <br />makinr of such turns muy be pro- <br />hlllite( between certain hours of any <br />day and permitted at other hours, <br />in which e\'('llt the same shnll be <br />plnlnlv indkated on the signs or they <br />may he rf'moved when tlueh turns <br />are permitted, <br />Sec. 52, 'Vht'never authorlz('d sll,,'Tls <br />arc er{'cted Indicating- that no right <br />or left or U turn Is permitted, no <br />driver of a vehlde shall disobey the <br />din'ctions of nny such slKn, <br />ARTICI,g VI <br />ONE-WAY STHEgTS AND ALLEYS <br />Sec. GO. The City Traffic <br />subject to the approval of the City <br />Council, is authorized to dl'sh.;nate <br />any street or alley as a one-way <br />streel or alley. He shall place lLnd <br />'JIlnlntaln signs Klviul{ notice thl'reof. <br />Rigns Indicating the direction of IllW- <br />fui traffic mo\"ement shall be plac{'d <br />at every intersl'ction where move- <br />ment of truffic in the opposite direc- <br />tion Is prohibited. <br />AHTICLE VII <br />SPECIAl.. S'I'OI'S n~QUIRED <br />Sec. 70. (a) The Git). Traffic En- <br />gineer Is authorized to designate <br />and descrlhe Il.ny street or portion <br />then'of ns a through street; or any <br />Inters{'ction at whleh vehicles ure <br />rCQulrl'd to stop at one or more en- <br />tranees thereto; or any rallrOtul <br />Krllde crosslnK at which vehkles are <br />requlrt'd to stop. The City Traffic <br />EIlKlneer shall erect and maintain <br />stop signs as follows: <br />A stop sh.;n !!Ihail he erectf'd on <br />each and every street intersecting <br />such through street or portion there- <br />of so desiJ,::llllted and at those en- <br />trlln('cs of other Inters{'ctiOll8 where <br />a stop II' rcqulred nnd at any rail- <br />road Krade crossing t;0 dl'slJ{nated, <br />Every such sign shall confor~n with <br />and !'!hull be placed as p"ovlded in <br />Sl'ctlon 471 of the Vehicle Code. <br />(ll) \Vhen stOtt slKns are erected <br />us Iwrein provided at the entrance <br />to any Intersection or at uny raJlwuy <br />J.;radll cros!'!lng, ever)' driver of a <br />vehicle shllll stop as requlr(,d by the <br />Vehicle Code, <br />Sel', 71. The driver of It. vehicle <br />emprKing from an alley, driveway <br />or building, shall stop such vehicle <br />hnmf'diatf'ly prior to driving onto <br />a I:<idewalk or Into the sidewalk area <br />extending across any alley wa)', <br /> <br />)( ARTICLE VIII <br />:\IISCEI.LANE:OUS DRIVING nULES <br />Sec, 80, No driver of a vehicle <br />shall drl ve bet ween vehlr;les com- <br />prising a funeral processIOn while <br />tllt'y :lre In motion and when the <br />vehicles In !lllch prOCt'Sslons are con- <br />spicuously so de:;iJ.;natt-d. <br />Sec. 81. Any Jlcr~on riding upon <br />any blc)'cJe. motorcycle. l~otUlter. roll- <br />er I'kates or uny toy vehicle shall <br />not attlH'h the l' or himself to <br />any moving vehicle upon any road- <br />w~v~c. 82, The drh"er of a vehicle <br />sha1l not drive within any sidewalk <br />art'll or any Pllrkway ('xcept at a <br />llermanl-'nt or temporary drlv{'way, <br />Sec. 83, No Ilerson shall ride or <br />drive any animal or IIny vehicle over <br />or across .\illy newly made pavement <br />or freshly painted marking In any <br />~'It ref't when a barrier or sign is in <br />plllce warnin~ persons not to drive <br />over or acrosl:< such pavelnent or <br />marking, or when a sign is In place <br /> <br />stating that the street or any portion <br />thereof il:l closed. <br />ARTICLE IX <br />I'F.DJ.:STRIANS <br />Sec. 90, The City Traffic Engineer <br />shall estahllsh, desiJ.;nllte and main- <br />tain crol'lswalks at Intersections and <br />other places oy appropriate devices, <br />marks or IIneH Upon the surface or <br />the roadway as follows: <br />Cros!'!walk!'! shall bl;' established and <br />maintained at all intersections alon,..; <br />.Mllln Street and at such other plar;es <br />within the town limits when. the City <br />Traffic f':ngineer determines thut <br />there I!'! a pltrtlcular hazard to pedes- <br />trluns crossing roadway. <br />Sec, 91. No person shall stand in <br />nny roadway If such action Inter- <br />fprps with the lawful movement of <br />traffic. This section shull not apply <br />to any puhllc officer or employee. <br />or employee of a public utility. when <br />necessarily upon a street in hne of <br />duty. <br /> <br />AnTICI,!'} X <br />STOPPING, STANDING AND <br />PAHKING <br />Sec. 100, (a) The pro\'h~lons of this <br />ordinance prohibiting the stopping', <br />st:uu!ing or parklnK of a vehicle <br />shall apply at all t.lmes or at those <br />Hmcs herein sfwclfH'd, except when <br />It Is nect'ssary to stop a vehicle to <br />avoid conflict with other traffic or <br />In compliunce with the directions of <br />a police officer or official traffic <br />control device. <br />(ll) The provisions of this ordi- <br />nance imposing a time limit on <br />standing or parking shall not relieve <br />any person from the duty to ob- <br />serve other and more restrictive pro- <br />vll:<ions of the state Vehicle Code or <br />the ordinances of this city, prohi- <br />hltlnJ;' or limit In,..; the !'!tlllldlng or <br />parking of vehicles in specified <br />places or at specified times, <br />Sec. 101. No Iwrson shall stop, <br />fltand or park a vehicle within any <br />parkway, <br />Sec. 102. (a) No person who owns <br />or hus possession, custody or con- <br />trol of any vehicle shall park such <br />vehicle upon any !'!trpet or alley for <br />more than a consecutive period or <br />120 hours. <br />(b) In the event a. vehicle is <br />parked or left standing- upon a street <br />In excess of a consl'cutlve pprlod of <br />120 hours, any member of the pollee <br />dt'partment authorized by the c~lef <br />of police may remove said \"elucle <br />from the street In the manner and <br />suhject to the rl~quirements of sec- <br />tions 585 and 585,1 of the Vehicle <br />Co~:c. 103. No person shall park a <br />\'f'hlc1e upon uny roadway for the <br />prlnchllll purpo!'!e of: <br />1. Displaying sueh vl"hic1e for sale. <br />2, 'Vashing, greasing. or retmlrlng <br />sllch \'ehlcle ex"cl'pt repairs necessl- <br />tatI'd hv an emergenc)'. <br />Sl'c. i04. (nl Subject to other and <br />more restrict ve limitations, a ve- <br />hicle rna)" he stoPlwd or parlted with- <br />in 18 inches of the left-hllnd curb <br />fadng In the dlrt>ction of traffic <br />movement upon any oneway- street <br />unless signs nrc In place prohlbltinK <br />such stopplnJ( or standing. <br />(h) The City Tra.ff1c Engineer is <br />authorilwd to dett'rmlne wlll'n st";nd- <br />Ing or parkint.; shalJ be prohllJlted <br />UpOIl t1H' left-hand side of any one- <br />wav stre("l. <br />Sec, 105. (11) Whenever the City <br />Council dt'sig-nates and describes Rny <br />~tret't or portion thereof Upon which <br />~nKle parking shall he permitted, the <br />Cltv Traffic En,..;inel'r ~hnll mark <br />or . sign such I'treet indlcatinK the <br />ungle nt which vehicles shall be <br />parkl'd. <br />(h) 'Vhen sh~nR or marklng-s are <br />in plRct" indlcatln,..; anKl(' llarklng- as <br />herdn provhh'{l, no per!'!on shall park <br />or I:<tand a vehicle other than at the <br />flnKle to the curb or edl(e of the <br />roadway Indlcatt'd hy such sign or <br />rnarklnJ.;s. <br />SI'C, 106. (a) The City Traff1c En. <br />glneer Is herehy authorized to place <br />slKns or markinJ.;s Indicating no park- <br />Ing upon nnv street wlH'n the width <br />of the rOl.Hlv,'ay does not exceed 20 <br />feet, or upon one side of a strt'et as <br />lndlcated by I'ueh signs or marking!'! <br />when the width of th" rOlldway does <br />not exeCI'd 30 fpet, and nt such other <br />pllH'ps within the town limits where <br />the Cltv Council shall determine that <br />it Is necl'ssnry to ellmlnatt'd unusual <br />traffic hazards. <br />Ill) \Yhen official signs or mark- <br />inKS prohibiting parklnJ.; llre erected <br />upon narrow streets lls authoriZt'd <br />hf'rt'ln. no pprson ~hall park a V('- <br />hide upon anv such stre("t In viola- <br />tion of any finch sign or marking. <br />S('e. 107. Ko pl'rson I'hall park or <br />If'ft\'e "tanding' nny v('hlcle unattN)ed <br />on n hll.;hwll)' when upon any grnde <br />crossing exceedln" 3% within any <br />bUl:<lnf'ss or reslt!('nce district with- <br />out blocking the wlwels of said \'1'- <br />hide by turning- th('m against the <br />curh or hv olher m('ans. <br />Rf'C 108 (a) \Y}wn('ver the City <br />Traffic Engineer shall determine thRt <br />an f'mt>rj{ency traffic conge8tion is <br />JIlt('lv to result from the holding of <br />pUhllc or prlvllte assernIJlaK('S, gath- <br />erings or functions. or for other <br />rl'al:<ons, the City Traffic F.nJ{inet'r <br />shall have power and authority <br />to order telnporary signs to he <br />erected or posted Indicating that the <br />operation, parl{lng or stand In,..; of <br />vehlclf'l'l is prohibited on such strt'ets <br />And allevs us the City Traffic En- <br />glnl'er shall direct during the time <br />l"uch temporarv signs are In phl.t'e, <br />Such I''';::os shall remain In place <br />onlv during the exlfltenee of such <br />pmcrgency und the ClIy Traffic En- <br />glnf'("r shall cause such signs to he <br />removl'd promptly thereafter. <br />(b) \\'hen signs authorized hy the <br />provision!'! of this section arc in <br />plnce giving notice thereof. no per80n <br />shall operate, park, or stnnd any <br />\,phldp conlrary to the directions and <br />p"o\'lsiolll:< of such signs. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />ARTICLB XI <br />STOPPING }.'()H I.OADING OR <br />UNLOADING ONLY <br />Sec. 110. (8) The City Tr&ffic En.. <br />gineer hereby Is authorized to de- <br />tt>rrnlne Ilnd to mark loading zones <br />find passenger loading zones as fol- <br />10\v,I'I:\I any pla("e along Main Street. <br />2, Jo:Il"ewhl're In the front of or at <br />lhe side of any piaI'll of business or <br />In front of any hall or place USt'd <br />for the purpose of f)ullllc llssembly. <br />(h) Loudlng zones shall be In- <br />dlc-ated bv a )'ellow paint line slen- <br />eliI'd with black letters, "LOADING <br />ONLY". upon the top of al! curbs <br />within such zone!'!, <br />(e) Passenger loading zones shall <br /> <br />11e Indicnted by a white line stt>n- <br />clled with hlack letters, "I'ASSEN- <br />GEH LOADING ONLY", upon the <br />top of all curlls In said zones.. <br />Sec. 111. (a) The City Tra.fflc En.. <br />gineer is ht'reby authorized, subject <br />to the provisions and limitations of <br />this ordinance to place the fOllowing <br />curb markings to Indicate parking <br />or stnnding regulations, Ilnd said <br />curh J1Iurklngs Sllllll have the mean- <br />inKS us herein set forth. " <br />1. Hed shull mean no stoPPing, <br />standing or parltlng at nny time ex- <br />cept as permitted by the Vehicle <br />CadI' und cxct'pt that a bus may <br />stop'ln fl. red zonc marked or signed <br />us2 a. ';~{iO~n:jlan mean no stopping, <br />standing or parking at any time be- <br />t ween 7 :00 a. 'm, and 6 :00 p. m. of <br />nny day except Sundays and holi- <br />days for any purpose other thull the <br />the loading or unlondlng of pass('n- <br />Kers or material 1:<, Pl'ovlded that the <br />Inlu}lng or unloading of passengers <br />shall not conl'lume more than thrt'e <br />(3) minutes nor the loading or un- <br />loading of materials more than <br />tWentv (20) minutes. <br />3. ,Vhlte shaH mean no stopping, <br />stundlng or parkilllJ for any pur- <br />pose other than loadlllg or unloading <br />of pU8Sf'ngers which shall not eXCt'ed <br />three (3) minutes nnd such restric- <br />tions shall upply between 7:00 a. m. <br />and G:OO p, m, of any day except <br />8unda;vs Rnd hOlidays and except <br />as follows: <br />"'hen such zone is In front of a <br />hot{'J the restrictions shall apply at <br />all timeR <br />\Vhen such zone is In front of a <br />theater the restrictions shall apply <br />at all times except when such theater <br />is closed. <br />'I. Green shall mean no standing- <br />or parking for longl'r than tWenty <br />(20) minutes nt any time between <br />7:00 a. m, and 6:00 p. m, of any <br />duv eXt'f'pt Rundltys and hOlidays. <br />(b) When the City Tra.fflc Engl~ <br />neer as authorized under this ordl- <br />nallce has caus('d curb markings to <br />be plact'd. no person shull stop, <br />stantI or park a vehicle adjacent to <br />any such legible curh marking In <br />violftt ion of any of the provisions of <br />this section. <br />Sec. 112. (a) Permission h{'reln <br />grllntt'd to stop or stand It vehicle <br />for purposes of loading or unloadlnK <br />of materials shall apply only to eom- <br />merelnl vehich's and shall not extl'nd <br />beyond the time necessary therefor, <br />find In no event for more than tWen- <br />ty (20) minutes, <br />(h) The permission herein granted <br />to stop or park for purposes of load- <br />In,..; or unloading passengers shull <br />not exceed three (3) minutes. <br />Sec. 113. No person shall lollop, <br />stand or park a vehicle In any yellow <br />loading zone for any purpose other <br />than loading or unloading passengers <br />or material for fluch time as is per- <br />mlttl~d in Sec, 112-. <br />See, 11,1. No pert~on shall stop, <br />stand or park a vehlde in an~' pal:<- <br />senger loading- zone for any purpO!'!I' <br />other than the loading or unlondlng <br />of passenKers for sueh time al:< is <br />specified In Sec. 112. <br />Sec, 115. (a) Thtl City Traffic En_ <br />gineer is hereby fluthorized to pstah- <br />lish bus zones opposite curb Spltc... <br />for the loading and unloadlnJ.; of <br />bllses of common carriers of passen- <br />gers and to determine the location <br />thereof subject to the dlrpctives and <br />limitations Sf't forth herein. <br />(h) The City Traffic Engineer <br />shall palllt a red line stencil with <br />\vhite lettl'rs "NO STANDINO", tn- <br />gether with the \vords '"BUS ZONI<~" <br />upon the top or side of all curhs <br />and places specified as a blls zonl~. <br />(c) No person shall stop, stand or <br />park any vehicle except a bus In <br />a bus zone. <br /> <br />ARTICJ.F. XII <br />~STOPPING, STANDING OR I'AHK- <br />ING RESTRICTED OR PROHIB- <br />ITED ON CEHTAIN STREI<;TS <br />Sec. 120, 'Vhenev<>r any ordlnnnce <br />or rt'solutlon of lhis town fixes It <br />time limit on the parkinK of vehicletl <br />on any street or portion of any Htre<>t <br />the City Traffic En~:dneer shall ercct <br />and maintain appropriate slJ.;ns Kiv- <br />ing notice thereof. 'Vhen Fluch signs <br />are in plaC'e giving notl("e thereof, <br />no person shall stop, stand, or pA.rk <br />uny vt'hlcle in violation of the time <br />Itmlt flxed In said ordinance or res- <br />olution, <br /> <br />ARTICLE XIII <br />PENALTIES AND I<;FI<'F.CT O}O~ <br />ORDINANCg <br />Sec. 130. Any person violating Any <br />of the proviRlons of this ordlnA.nce <br />shall be gulltv of It misdemeanor <br />and upon coniriction lhert-of shall <br />he punished by Imprisonment In the <br />city pall or In the county jail for <br />not exceeding- thn'e months, or by <br />a fine of not to t'xceed three hundrt-d <br />dollll.r.s, or by both such fine and <br />imprisonment. <br />Sec. 131, If an)' section, Flubsection, <br />spntl'net', clause or phrase of this or- <br />dinance ls for J\lly reason held to he <br />unconstitutional, Ruch decision shall <br />not affect the validity of the re- <br />malnin,..; portions of this ordinance, <br />The legislative body hereby declllres <br />that It would have passed this or- <br />dinance and ench section, subsection. <br />flentence, claufte and phrase thereof, <br />irrespective of the fact than any <br />one or more sections. subsections, <br />sentences, clauses or phrases be de~ <br />c1arf'd unconstitutional. <br />f;pc. 132. This Ordinance shall 11e <br />puhlished once in THE PLEASAN- <br />TON TIMES, a newspaper of general <br />circulation published 10 the Town <br />of Pleasanton, which newspaper is <br />hereby deshmat(>d for that purpose, <br />and shall take effect on October 5th, <br />1950, <br />Introduced by Councilman Hansen <br />Rnd rpad at It re~ular meeting of the <br />Council of the Town of Pleasanton <br />held on June 5th" 1950, <br />The foregoing- Ordinance was again <br />read at a regular meetlnR" of the <br />C::ouncil of the Town of PleaSllnton <br />hl'M on the 5th df\y of Septemher, <br />1950, and on motion of C::ouncllman <br />Hansen seconded by Councilman <br />Trlmlngham, was paRsed and adopted <br />by the followinf( vote: <br />A YES: Hansen, Trimingham and <br />OXsen. <br />NOE~: Nonf', <br />ABSENT: Hl'wltson and Ton{'y. <br />Appro\'ed this 5th day of Sep- <br />tMnber, 1950, <br />A, 'V. OXSEN, <br />Mayor. Town of Pleasanton, Callt. <br />Attest: <br />CARON C. McGONEGAL, <br />Town Clerk, <br />