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PC 08/28/96
City of Pleasanton
PC 08/28/96
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PC 8/28/96
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<br />to even allow a garden tractor through the area. The arborist advised Mr. Griffm that the trees will <br />need to be periodically trimmed by a certified arborist. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Commissioner Cooper stated the Bonde guidelines are to avoid invading the privacy of neighbors <br />with decks, balconies, etc. What is the view down the street from Me. Griffin's sun porch? Me. <br />Griffin stated that at the time he got approval from Shapell, they had not sited the adjacent lot so he <br />could not get any information. The subject deck will not be a used daily, and it will only be a <br />daytime use deck. Instead of having a flat roof, he made it a sundeck. <br /> <br />Regarding the $15,000 cash bond, Commissioner Lutz asked the applicant if he had asked the <br />Planning Director what he would accept for the $15,000. The applicant has not done this. Me. <br />Iserson stated that this requirement comes from the Heritage Tree ordinance. A performance bond <br />or a letter of credit are some of the ways to provide this bond. Mr. Griffin would not be required <br />to give the City $15,000 cash. Me. Griffin feels the $15,000 is a bit severe for a homeowner <br />whereas the whole Bonde Ranch paid only $25,000. <br /> <br />Jim Evdokimoff, 695 Windmill Lane, is strongly opposed to this project. Shapell officials (Woody <br />Pereira) assured the homeowners that the custom lots would be single-story homes. His property <br />will be impacted the most from Mr. Griffin's home. Another custom lot is being built as a single- <br />story house, and he feels Mr. Griffin should as well. Me. Evdokimofffeels Me. Griffin is designing <br />a rural home for a high density neighborhood. He feels the RV garage will cause the City to get <br />complaints when the other homes are sold. The speaker advised arborists climb the oak trees to <br />trim them, therefore, a rear garage door is not necessary. The deck will be looking down into the <br />privacy of Me. Evdokimoff's yard, and he feels the landscaping will not adequately screen his yard. <br />Mr. Evdokimoff feels this house does not fit in the existing neighborhood and opposes this project. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Donald Hamerton, 683 Windmill Lane, stated that this project impacts his home very little, however, <br />he was at all the meetings regarding the lots behind his property. He opposes the two-story house <br />and deck looking down in their backyards. He feels this is unfair to the neighbors. <br /> <br />Me. Griffin rebutted the previous speakers' comments. The CC&Rs very clearly state that a two- <br />story rear elevation house is acceptable on this lot. Their complaints should be directed to the <br />Shapell officials. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br /> <br />Commissioner McGuirk stated he was on the Commission during the Bonde application. He can <br />agree with the fact that this project does meet the development guidelines of Bonde Ranch. He is <br />opposed to the large rear garage door and would rather see a regular doorway as a second access. <br />He feels sufficient landscaping can be put in place to screen the sundeck from the neighbors. <br /> <br />Commissioner Cooper walked the site and has serious reservations about the plan, He cannot fmd <br />that it is planned to be in harmony with the lot. He sees the house as being very large and square <br />and it does not conform to the terrain. He is also concerned for the privacy of the neighbors to the <br />rear and the backyard of Lot 37. He imagines the sundeck could be heavily used because of its <br />spectacular views. Commissioner Cooper cannot support this application. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />August 28, 1996 <br />
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