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<br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />assessment district, and if the interchange does not go forward, whatever mitigations are developed, <br />Thoratec would be part of that assessment district. <br /> <br />Chairman Lutz advised that he spoke with Me. Hirst. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br /> <br />D. Keith Grossman, President and CEO of Thoratec Laboratories, 1002 Horizon Ct., Danville, <br />represented Thoratec in their application for the design review and major modification to the PUD <br />development plan. They would like to receive approval from the City, and they would appreciate <br />any City efforts to expedite this project. He gave an slide presentation on Thoratec Labs Corp. and <br />their V AD system (Ventricular Assist Device), which can maintain human life while waiting for a <br />heart transplant. <br /> <br />Me. Grossman stated Thoratec is very happy to be moving to Pleasanton, that the company is <br />regulated by many state and federal agencies, and they consider themselves good corporate <br />neighbors. <br /> <br />Brad Hirst, 1811 Santa Rita Rd., #128, commented that the staff report was very thorough. He <br />noted the architectural plans submitted are the fifth revision after previous review and modification. <br />Also, the HazMat plan has been submitted to the Fire Department and is under review. The grading <br />plan will be submitted to the City within the next few days so they can commence grading before <br />the rainy season. The adjoining property owner (BofA building) has submitted a letter of support <br />of the project. Me. Hirst asked that Condition 54, time of construction activities, be changed to <br />allow construction to start at 7 a.m. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright inquired that since the noise of the HV AC equipment running 24 hours a day <br />is a complaint of a neighboring resident, does it have to be air conditioned 24 hours per day. Me. <br />Michael O'Hara, 4800 El Camino Real, Los Altos, responded that there are about 8,000 sq. ft. <br />which must be cooled 24 hours a day. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright then asked Mr. Grossman if the future intent of the V AD was to be used as <br />an artificial heart, and Me. Grossman advised that once the portable unit is ready (January 1997), <br />European markets will use their product as a portable artificial heart. <br /> <br />Commissioner Cooper asked if Ms. Boykin had toured the Berkeley plant. She said she had and <br />briefly described her findings. She generalized Thoratec as mainly research and development, with <br />small amounts of chemicals used in laboratory rooms. There is a manufacturing area for the <br />production of polymers which had very rigid controls on ventilation. They had a storage room for <br />flammables, which she mentioned would need to be upgraded in Pleasanton. The Berkeley Health <br />Department and Fire Department advised that Thoratec has not had any spills or releases. <br /> <br />In response to Chairman Lutz, Prank Dobson, project architect, 3664 Grand Avenue, Oakland, stated <br />the comments of Mr. Cannon had to do with the location of the building entry, raising the height of <br />the entry element, and adding more glass. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />August 14, t996 <br />