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<br />Mr. Taeb advised that site and visual analyses were not done with the original PUD. They hired a <br />consultant to do this, and found there are mitigations to the problems that will retain the beauty of <br />the area, as well. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Cathy Merrill, 245 Front Street, San Francisco, addressed the concerns regarding color palette, <br />materials, maximum size and maximum height and the associated mitigations. <br /> <br />Regarding the approved color palette, they determined that the approved colors were more inclusive <br />than the applicants' originally thought. There were a number of other tones and intensities available. <br />Mr. Martinez is agreeable to the color palette; they would like to reconfirm with staff the exact <br />approved colors. <br /> <br />The height of the homes was discussed. Originally, Mr. Martinez wanted a 5 foot height increase <br />similar to Oak Tree Farms. Ms. Merrill commented there is a pad differential on most of the lots, <br />half of them have a sixteen foot differential. She also noted they do not want this development to <br />look like Golden Eagle with massive houses; Ms. Merrill wants to empower and add flexibility to <br />the Overlay District guidelines. She spoke of the difficulty of siting large homes on pie-shaped lots. <br />In this development, the houses will get pushed to the far end of the lot. She advocated using the <br />topography of the lot and stepping up or down the house accordingly. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright asked what as to the average lot slope. Mr. Taeb stated the average is an 11 <br />foot difference in the lots. Ms. Merrill stated that 9 of the 14 lots have an 18-26 foot differential <br />inside the building envelope. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Gerald Thomas, 27933 Via Ventana, Los Altos Hills, is an adjacent developer and home owner to <br />the Moller project. He is supportive of the Moller development. He urged the City to provide <br />maximum flexibility to the Moller developers. He feels a Spanish style house is one of the most <br />suitable designs for the California foothills. <br /> <br />Hilde Harper Chan, representing Presley Homes, stated they fully support the requested flexibility <br />in the Moller development. <br /> <br />Mary Adamson, 4603 Lakewood Street, agrees with staff's recommendation to disallow most of the <br />requested modifications. While she understood the applicant's desire to express their creativity, she <br />believes the buyers should have had an understanding of the restrictions placed on the lots at the time <br />of purchase. The current grading and destruction of trees has resulted in unsightly changes, in her <br />opinion. The less development visible to Foothill Road, the better. Ms. Adamson appreciates the <br />standards currently in place and hopes the Commission will stand firm. <br /> <br />Debbie Smith, 7800 Flagstone Drive, encouraged the Commission to retain the current guidelines <br />and not set a precedence in this matter and to preserve the ridgelands and views by denying this <br />request. <br /> <br />In rebuttal, Mr. Martinez agreed that generally speaking one should know what one is getting <br />involved in. However, they were the first to purchase the Moller custom lot sites. Going through <br />the process, they have found out the difficulty of complying with the established guidelines. He is <br />committed to having a house built and has been working for months to accomplish this. On the <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />January 8, 1997 <br />