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<br />Resolution No. PC-97-65 <br />Page II <br /> <br />addresses, lighting, materials, construction, and finish colors and materials. The sign <br />package shall include addresses for all four sides of each building to distinguish it from <br />others. The building address signs shall be plainly visible from all adjoining streets or <br />driveways during both daylight and night time hours. Minimum size shall be 6 in. high <br />by 1 in. stroke. This sign package must be reviewed and approved by the Hacienda <br />Owners Association prior to submittal to the City. <br /> <br />34. All trash enclosures shall match the materials and colors of the building. The applicants <br />shall include trash enclosure elevations on the plans submitted for issuance of building <br />permits. Said plans shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director <br />prior to issuance of building permits. Trash containers shall be stored within the <br />enclosures at all times, except when being unloaded. <br /> <br />35. Except as modified by condition no. 25, the applicants shall effectively screen from view <br />all ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment, and any other mechanical equipment, <br />whether on the structure, on the ground, or on the roof, with materials architecturally <br />compatible with the main structure. Screening details shall be shown on the plans <br />submitted for issuance of building permits, the adequacy of which shall be determined by <br />the Planning Director. All required screening shall be provided prior to building <br />occupancy. <br /> <br />36. All mechanical equipment shall be constructed in such a manner that noise emanating <br />from it will not be perceptible beyond the property plane of the subject property in a <br />normal environment for that zoning district. <br /> <br />37. The applicants shall submit a final lighting plan for the building and the site for the <br />review and approval of the Planning Director prior to issuance of building permits. Light <br />standards in the parking lot areas shall not exceed 12 ft. tall and, if determined necessary <br />by the Planning Director, shall incorporate cut-off shield type fixtures to prevent glare <br />onto adjacent properties or roadways. <br /> <br />38. All parking spaces shall be striped. Wheel stops shall be provided unless the spaces are <br />fronted by concrete curbs, in which case sufficient areas shall be provided beyond the <br />ends of all parking spaces to accommodate the overhang of automobiles. <br /> <br />39. All utilities required to serve any existing or proposed development on-site shall be <br />installed underground, unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer. <br /> <br />40. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City, approved by the City Attorney, <br />which guarantees that all landscaping installed in this project will be maintained at all <br />times in a manner consistent with the approved landscape plan for this development prior <br />to building occupancy. Said agreement shall run with the land for the duration of the <br />existence of the structures located on the subject property. <br />