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The 384-acre Plan Area is divided into five land use categories as follows : residential, including <br />possible wine country commercial-related businesses (119 acres); vineyards (66 acres); open <br />space (155 acres); a 20-acre community park; and a 12-acre elementary school. Each of these <br />land uses are described in greater detail below. <br />The land use plan (Figure IV-2) identifies individual development areas and uses. It also <br />illustrates the planned circulation network. The number indicated within each residential <br />development area on the plan refers to the number of dwelling units allowed within that area <br />unless otherwise precluded for public health or safety reasons. This number does not include <br />existing homes . Table 11 -1 presents a summary of the land use figures by land use district, and <br />Table IV-1 specifies the number of existing and planned homes on a lot-by -lot basis. <br />1. Residential <br />The land use plan provides for 189 new housing units in addition to 18 existing homes <br />which are planned to be retained or relocated on-site. In order to accommodate a range <br />of housing types and densities that respond to the site terrain and community needs, the <br />plan includes four residential designations. These consist of Semi-Rural Residential , <br />Hillside Residential , Low Density Residential , and Medium Density Residential. <br />Semi-Rural Residential: The Semi -Rural Residential (SRR) district permits <br />custom homes on five-acre minimum-sized lots . Land designated SRR is located <br />in Subarea 3 at Lots 29 , 30, and 31 . A total of one new home is permitted in the <br />SRR area (Lot 29). Lot 30 and 31 are already developed. The SRR lots are <br />intended to provide a transitional buffer between residential uses to the north and <br />agricultural land to the south. <br />Hillside Residential: The Hillside Residential (HR) district provides for 19 new <br />homes on 40,000-square foot minimum-sized lots. Development areas are located <br />in the hilly portions of Subareas 1 and 3. The purpose of this designation is to <br />allow for a clustering of homes in well-defined areas of the hills in order to <br />preserve significant natural features such as ridgelines , hilltops, oak woodland , <br />creeks , and steep slopes. Open space land surrounding the HR district is to be <br />permanently preserved. <br />Low Density Residential: The Low Density Residential (LDR) district permits <br />a total of 79 new homes with a 20 ,000-square foot minimum lot size. The LDR <br />area is generally located in the rolling hills south of Vineyard Avenue . <br />19 <br />1 <br />1In addition to the uses permitted pursuant to the Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, housing is also allowed <br />as a permitted use pursuant to the 6th Cycle Housing Element. Housing Element sites shall follow the Objective <br />Design Standards.