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8. Ensure that future development of the hilly areas located south of Vineyard <br />A venue is designed to emphasize the rural character through careful siting of <br />buildings, minimal disruption to the physical terrain , and sensitive architectural <br />and landscape treatments . <br />9. Establish a unified site planning, architectural , and landscape character for the <br />future development of Lots 18, 19, 21, and 28 that draws from the character of <br />the Livermore Valley wine country, the approved Ruby Hill architectural design <br />concepts, and the traditions of Southern European "vineyard village " design. <br />10 . Provide for safe and functional re-use of the old Pleasanton landfill site . <br />11 . Protect applicable open space areas for the production of natural resources such <br />as aggregate mining materials . <br />B. PHYSICAL PLANNING CONCEPT <br />The land use plan is intended to facilitate a smooth transition between the urban edge of <br />Pleasanton to the west and the Ruby Hill development to the east. The design concept requires <br />environmentally-sensitive site planning ·and design of development in the hillside areas south of <br />Vineyard A venue and the integration of vineyards with other land uses north of Vineyard <br />Avenue , organized to create a functional and attractive visual entry to the Livermore Valley wine <br />country . Figure IV-1 depicts the general design theme that the land use plan is intended to <br />reflect. <br />The gently sloping hillsides in Subarea 1 are planned for low density residential development. <br />Homes here are to be designed to reflect traditional architectural styles and forms. The <br />community park on Lot 14 will generally serve as a greenbelt buffer between the more urbanized <br />Subarea 1 and the semi-rural Subarea 3. <br />Four residential sub-neighborhoods designated as "vineyard villages" and an elementary school <br />are planned for the flatland area mostly north of the existing Vineyard A venue and mostly in <br />Subarea 2. Vineyard Avenue is to be relocated to the north along the Arroyo del Valle. <br />Vineyards are planned between development and the realigned roadway. The purpose of this <br />arrangement is to establish Vineyard A venue as a safe and scenic rural street lined with <br />vineyards on one side and the Arroyo del Valle on the other. <br />Residential development in Subarea 3 is to be sited so as to preserve significant natural features <br />such as major ridgelines and hilltop areas, woodland, and riparian corridors. Development <br />generally consists of clusters of custom homes designed to reflect the rural character and natural <br />features of the hilly terrain. The large majority of land within this area is to be preserved as <br />permanent open space. <br />17