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• Vineyard Avenue. Vineyard Avenue is a rural road with difficult driveway <br />intersection visibility. It was built in a cut-fill manner with a narrow road bed and <br />contains vertical curves which are inappropriate for standard collector street <br />design speeds. It also contains numerous active utility facilities along and beneath <br />its surface . <br />• General off-site traffic impacts. Traffic generated by development of the Plan <br />Area would impact Vineyard A venue and the outlying City street system, <br />including primarily the Bernal Avenue bridge at the Arroyo del Valle and the <br />following street intersections: Bernal A venue/Vineyard A venue, Bernal <br />Avenue/Stanley Boulevard , and Santa Rita Road /Valley Avenue . Cut-through <br />traffic through nearby neighborhoods might also become a concern. <br />• Visual impacts. Development at higher on-site elevations could be clearly visible <br />from various off-site locations , including the Vineyard A venue section which <br />fronts Ruby Hill , Stanley Boulevard, I-580, and neighboring properties to the <br />west, southwest, and east of the Plan Area. <br />• Water service. Existing homes in the Plan Area are served by private wells. <br />Any new development will require the provision of City water service. Due to <br />the substantial site elevation changes (elevations 383 feet to 700 feet), the <br />provision of domestic water to the higher elevations cannot be achieved through <br />normal means. <br />• Sewer service. Existing homes in the Plan Area are served by private septic <br />systems . Any new development will require the provision of City sanitary sewer <br />service. Due to site elevations relative to existing off-site sewer facilities, some <br />portions of the Plan Area cannot be served by gravity flow sewer lines. <br />• Fire hazard. Heavy vegetation and steep hillsides in Subarea 3 present a potential <br />high fire hazard. <br />• Landslides . A geotechnical investigation conducted for the Plan Area has <br />identified various landslides. <br />2. Opportunities <br />The Plan Area contains various physical characteristics which present opportunities for <br />quality future development. These include the following: <br />• Site character. The rural character of the site and the outlying historic wine <br />country can be used to create a unique design theme and development pattern for <br />the Plan Area. <br />14