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III. PLANNING AREA CONTEXT <br />A. SITE LOCATION <br />The 384-acre Vineyard Corridor Area is located in the eastern portion of Pleasanton south of <br />the Arroyo del Valle . The City of Livermore is located approximately one mile to the east. <br />Figure III-1 illustrates the regional location of the Plan Area. <br />The site is generally situated adjacent to the existing urban edge of Pleasanton. Located directly <br />to the north are the Arroyo del Valle, Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area , and the <br />RMC Lonestar quarry site . The Ruby Hill development abuts the eastern boundary of the Plan <br />Area. To the south are Kottinger Hills and open space land owned by the Foley family. <br />Abutting the western boundary of the Plan Area are the Vista Diablo , Victoria Meadows , <br />Vintage Heights , Foxbrough Estates , and Grey Eagle Estates developments . Vineyard Avenue <br />crosses the site in a generally east/west direction and provides primary acces s to existing lots <br />on both sides of the street. A Plan Area vicinity map is presented in Figure III-2. <br />B. PARCELIZATION AND OWNERSHIP <br />The Plan Area is divided into 33 lots as shown on Figure III-3. Lots range in size from <br />0 .9 acres (Lot 20) to 50 acres (Lot 22). Figure III-3 also divides the Plan Area into three <br />subareas for describing the site characteristics and the land use plan later in this text. Table III-1 <br />presents a listing of the Assessor's Parcel Number, acreage , owner, and address for each of the <br />existing lots in the Plan Area. For the ease of identification, lots are numbered 1 through 33. <br />These numbers are used in figures throughout this document for reference purposes. <br />C . GENERAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS <br />The irregularly-shaped 384-acre site is situated along both sides of Vineyard Avenue. Terrain <br />is generally flat north of Vineyard A venue but transitions to steep slopes on the south side. <br />Elevations range from 383 feet above sea level on Lot 18 (adjacent to the Arroyo del Valle) to <br />700 feet at the southwest comer of the Plan Area on Lot 22. The entire site drains toward the <br />Arroyo del Valle. The Plan Area is best characterized as a "rural residential" neighborhood. <br />It is generally comprised of large lots with single-family homes and occasional agricultural <br />buildings. <br />7