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2005 Pleasanton Plan 2025 2.0 Land Use Element <br /> • The City will work cooperatively with PUSD to facilitate inclusion of housing units suitable for and affordable to <br /> teachers and other members of the PUSD workforce, and/or other members of the local workforce. <br /> Area 27 (PUSD-Vineyard)-This site shall include at least three acres of x neighborhood park] and/or open space(s), <br /> one of which shall he a contiguous open space along area adjacent to Vineyard Avenue amounting to OU' of the total <br /> proposed open space, of at lcaat three acre:.*. <br /> Industria4 Commenial and mice <br /> Policy 13: Preserve the character of the Downtown while improving its retail and residential viability and preserving the <br /> traditions of its small-town character. <br /> Program 13.1: Implement the 2019 Downtown Specific Plan. <br /> Program 13.2: Prepare a Civic Center Master Plan to determine the future location and footprint of an expanded <br /> library,consolidated City Hall,Police Station,public parking,and other uses. The Master Plan should <br /> consider transit-oriented development,include public open spaces and plazas, and add to Downtown <br /> vitality,while also maintaining the character and ambiance of Downtown. <br /> Program 13.3: In the Downtown,implement mixed-use development which incorporates higher density and <br /> affordable residential units consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan.,where feasible. <br /> Program 13.4: Encourage second-floor apartments above first-floor commercial uses, and encourage live- <br /> work units in the Downtown. Also allow mixed-use development in the Downtown where residences <br /> are located behind commercial uses,subject to the limitations specified in the Downtown Specific <br /> Plan. <br /> Policy 14: Ensure that neighborhood, community, and regional commercial centers provide goods and services needed by <br /> residents and businesses of Pleasanton and its market area. <br /> Program 14.1: Zone sufficient land for neighborhood, community, and regional commercial uses to support <br /> Pleasanton's increasing business activity. <br /> Policy 15: Provide adequate neighborhood commercial acreage to serve the future needs of each neighborhood at buildout. <br /> Program 15.1: Locate appropriately-scaled commercial centers with reasonable access to the <br /> residential neighborhoods they serve. <br /> Adopted 07 21 09 2-35 <br /> Amended 10 19 10 and 0126 23 <br />