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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />P21-1173, PUD-146, and Tract 8631 PC-2024-17, October 23, 2024 <br /> <br />25 of 34 <br /> <br />and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (US DOT PHMSA) (Address this <br />condition during construction). <br /> <br />78. POLLUTANT REDUCTION IN STORMWATER: At no time during construction of the <br />project shall pollutants be allowed to enter, clog, or contaminate storm drainpipe networks <br />or open stormwater channels in violation of Pleasanton Municipal Code §9.14.080 et seq. <br />The applicant shall contain all trash and debris for proper disposal to authorized landfills <br />or recyclers. Erosion control features shall be deployed during the rainy season that <br />extends from October 1st to April 15th each year, or any time rain is forecast outside of <br />this period. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be strictly followed. Street <br />sweepers must be employed if soil or debris is tracked onto the public roads from vehicles <br />exiting the site. Standard BMPs are available from the California Stormwater Quality <br />Association (CASQA), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), <br />Caltrans, and others. Notes and/or illustrations shall be added to the plans that describe <br />the BMPs to be utilized during construction. The use of manufactured erosion control <br />woven blankets and straw wattles that utilize plastic monofilament netting is specifically <br />prohibited. (Address this condition during construction). <br /> <br />79. SWPPP REPORTING: Copies of any monitoring and/or sampling reports required by the <br />stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) and submitted by the Legally Responsible <br />Person (LRP) to the State of California’s SMARTS database shall also be submitted to <br />the City of Pleasanton inspector assigned to the project. The LRP shall also submit to the <br />City a copy of the required Annual Report no later than September 1st of each year that <br />construction is active or when erosion control features have been deployed. The report <br />must include a summary of all sampling and analysis performed (Risk Levels 2 and 3 <br />only), a log of all inspections performed including Rain Event Action Plans (REAP), a <br />summary of any required corrective actions taken, and a summary of any violations. <br />(Address this condition during construction). <br /> <br />80. DUST CONTROL: Dust control measures must be employed during all phases of <br />construction to prevent airborne nuisance to neighboring properties. All stockpiles or <br />unused materials that can create dust shall be covered or removed. Exposed soil areas <br />shall be routinely watered until surfacing materials or landscaping is installed. Use of dust <br />palliatives shall conform to Caltrans Standard Specification Section 18. Any damage <br />caused by airborne dust to neighboring properties shall be cleaned with costs paid by the <br />applicant. If the applicant fails the address dust as directed by the City, the City shall have <br />the right to enter the property to effectuate the correction, with all costs paid by the <br />applicant or levied as a lien against the applicant’s property. (Address this condition <br />during construction). <br /> <br />81. PROPERTY NUISANCE: At no time during construction of the project shall the condition <br />of the property become a nuisance as defined in Pleasanton Municipal Code §9.28.020. <br />The City shall have the right to inspect the property for conditions that violate the code <br />standard. If a nuisance is found, the applicant shall immediately submit a plan of <br />correction. Depending on the severity of the nuisance, the City may suspend all <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 1C31F480-26DA-46E0-9342-FE27B8023A42