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P24-0334 Planning Commission <br />6 of 7 <br />Separate Conveyance of ADUs <br />AB1033 allows the City to adopt an ordinance for the separate conveyance of ADUs. As <br />noted, the City’s current ADU ordinance prohibits the primary unit and an ADU to be <br />under separate ownership. This approach was in line with requiring owner-occupancy in <br />either the primary unit or the ADU. Recent amendments to State law prohibit the City <br />from requiring owner-occupancy on a property with an ADU; that is, the owner is <br />allowed to rent out both the primary residence and the ADU. While owner-occupancy is <br />unilaterally prohibited, the City has the option to implement AB1033 and allow for the <br />separate sale of the two units, i.e., the principal unit and the ADU. <br />In addition to requirements related to objective design standards in the Subdivision Map <br />Act and conformance with the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act, which <br />is related to the formation of a Homeowners Association (HOA) for maintenance of <br />common areas such as driveways or shared landscaping, the homeowner must notify <br />providers of utilities (e.g., water, sewer, gas, electricity) of the condominium <br />conveyance. <br />The City reviews requests for condominium subdivisions via a parcel map, typically <br />acted upon by the Zoning Administrator. If the Planning Commission were to <br />recommend the City allow for the separate conveyance of ADUs, a similar process to <br />the current one for parcel maps would likely be recommended by staff. <br />Considerations for the Planning Commission related to separate conveyance of ADUs <br />include whether or not this flexibility would result in a greater number of ADUs in the <br />City and if the separate conveyance would function to encourage a larger number of <br />homeowners to construct an ADU since a homeowner would benefit from the monetary <br />gain by sale of the unit. <br />State law acknowledges, however, that establishing an HOA between the principal unit <br />and the ADU within a community which already has an HOA may not be ideal for <br />implementation of the CC&Rs or administration of dues by the HOA. Accordingly, State <br />law requires the property owner to obtain written permission from the HOA before <br />forming the owners’ association for the principal unit and ADU prior to recordation of a <br />condominium plan. <br />Based on these concerns, and given the likely marginal benefit, limited applicability, and <br />added administration on behalf of existing HOAs to allow separate conveyance of the <br />principal unit and ADU, staff recommends the City consider deferring the consideration <br />of an ordinance to allow separate conveyance until other jurisdictions similar to <br />Pleasanton (i.e., with a large number of planned developments and active HOAs) adopt <br />an ordinance, or until such time the City experiences a higher degree of interest or <br />number of requests to allow separate conveyance. <br />PUBLIC NOTICE <br />Notification of this code amendment has been published in The Valley Times as an <br />upcoming agenda item for the September 11, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. At <br />the time this report was prepared, staff has not received comments regarding the <br />proposed code amendments. <br />Excerpt of September 11, 2024 <br />Planning Commission Agenda Report