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<br />P25-0026, Accessory Dwelling Units Planning Commission, February 12, 2025 <br />Exhibit A, PMC Amendments, Page 9 <br /> <br />except for decorative/faux balconies without decks that match the primary dwelling <br />structure. <br />4. If garage space is converted to an accessory dwelling unit, at the option of the <br />property owner, the existing garage door(s) may either be left in place, or removed <br />and infilled such that the wall appears integrated with rest of the home, with the <br />same exterior wall material, building color, and trim as the primary dwelling <br />structure. <br />5. With the objective of retaining the appearance of a one-family residence, the entry <br />door to an attached accessory dwelling unit proposed on a property with a one- <br />family development shall be located on a different facade than the door to the <br />primary residence. <br />6. Additions to accessory structures of 150 square feet or less beyond the existing <br />physical dimensions to accommodate ingress/egress to an accessory dwelling unit <br />are allowed. Additions to accessory structures greater than 150 square feet <br />necessitate that the proposed accessory dwelling unit meet the maximum size <br />required by Section 18.106.045. <br />7. The following parking standards apply to accessory dwelling units: <br />a. One additional off-street parking space on the lot shall be made continuously <br />available to the occupants of the accessory dwelling unit. Required parking <br />may be provided as tandem, or may be located in setbacks, but not in the front <br />yard setback unless on the driveway. <br />b. When a garage, carport, or covered or uncovered parking structure is <br />demolished in conjunction with construction of an accessory dwelling unit or <br />is converted to an accessory dwelling unit, those offstreet parking spaces are <br />not required to be replaced. <br />c. Parking for an accessory dwelling unit shall not be required if the accessory <br />dwelling unit is: <br />i. Located within one-half mile of public transit; <br />ii. Located within an architecturally and historically significant historic district; <br />iii. Located in part of an existing primary residence or an existing <br />accessory structure; <br />iv. Located in an area requiring on-street parking permits, but not offered to <br />the occupant of the accessory dwelling unit; <br />v. Located within one block of a car share vehicle; or <br />vi. Constructed with a new single-family or multi-family dwelling unit on the <br />same lot, provided the accessory dwelling unit or the parcel satisfies all other