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<br />P25-0026, Accessory Dwelling Units Planning Commission, February 12, 2025 <br />Exhibit A, PMC Amendments, Page 6 <br /> <br />B. All detached accessory dwelling units shall be located a minimum of four feet from side <br />and rear property lines, except in the case where an accessory dwelling unit exceeds 800 <br />square feet, a 10-foot street side setback is required for corner lots. Only in instances <br />when complying with the front yard setback precludes a Statewide Exemption Accessory <br />Dwelling Unit can an encroachment into the front yard setback be permitted and shall be <br />limited only to the extent necessary to accommodate a Statewide Exemption Accessory <br />Dwelling Unit. Where a detached accessory dwelling unit, or a portion thereof, would <br />be constructed in exactly the same location and to exactly the same dimensions as a <br />legal accessory structure, or is the result of the conversion of an existing accessory <br />structure, the accessory dwelling unit may maintain the same setbacks as the existing <br />structure, with no minimum setback required. <br />C. The gross floor area of a detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 850 square <br />feet if the accessory dwelling unit is a studio or one-bedroom unit or 1,000 square feet if <br />the accessory dwelling unit is two or more bedrooms, except where such unit results <br />from conversion of an existing accessory building, in which case it may exceed these <br />size limits. <br />D. An accessory dwelling unit that does not meet all of the Statewide Exemption <br />Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards defined in Section 18.106.020 shall comply with <br />applicable floor area ratio maximums, minimum open space requirements, and any other <br />applicable development regulations established by this section and the zoning district or <br />planned unit development in which the property is located. <br />E. Except as modified by this chapter, all other regulations embodied in the zoning of the <br />property for class I accessory structures shall apply to the development of detached <br />accessory dwelling units on one-family residential lots and multi-family residential lots. <br />(Ord. 1885 § 2, 2003; Ord. 2080 § 2, 2013; Ord. 2161 § 1, 2017; Ord. 2213 § 2, 2021; Ord. 2244 <br />§ 2, 2023; Ord. 2277, 5/7/2024) <br /> <br />§ 18.106.050. Standards for accessory dwelling units resulting from converting existing <br />space in multi-family developments—Height limitations, setbacks, open space, and other <br />regulations. <br />Accessory dwelling units resulting from the conversion of existing space in multi-family <br />developments shall meet the requirements in Section 18.106.060 of this chapter and the <br />following requirements: <br />A. Expansions of the subject building not directly a part of the accessory dwelling unit <br />shall be subject to the maximum height, and the minimum front, rear, and side yard <br />requirements of the for the main structure, as applicable for the zoning district. <br />B. Existing space in the multi-family development that is converted to an accessory <br />dwelling unit shall be limited to space that is not livable habitable space. Space that may <br />be converted includes, but is not limited to: storage rooms, boiler rooms, passageways, <br />attics, basements, or garages. In no case shall the conversion of space to an accessory <br />dwelling unit result in the elimination of access necessary to maintain safe ingress or