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<br /> <br /> <br />P24-0635, P24-0636 PC-2025-01, January 22, 2025 <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />18. RELOCATION: If the applicant wishes to relocate the use to a new address or tenant <br />suite, the applicant shall secure a new conditional use permit prior to occupying the new <br />building or tenant space. <br /> <br />19. IMPACT FEES: The applicant shall pay the required sewer fees, traffic impact fees, and <br />all other fees the proposed use may be subject to prior to building permit issuance. The <br />type and amount of the fees shall be those in effect at the time the building permit is <br />issued. <br /> <br />20. BUILDING PERMIT: Any tenant improvement plans shall be submitted to the Building <br />and Safety Division for review and approval prior to operation. The applicant shall obtain <br />a building permit prior to commencement of any work. Prior to issuance of a business <br />license the applicant shall submit plans to the Building Department that satisfy egress <br />requirements (project specific condition). <br /> <br />TRAFFIC DIVISION – 925-931-5600 <br /> <br />21. Based on the applicant's narrative received November 26, 2024, the proposed project <br />will only generate a few PM peak hour trips. These trips will not exceed the previous <br />use and no traffic impact fees are required at this time. However, Traffic Engineering <br />may monitor the site throughout the CUP, as warranted. Should Traffic Engineering <br />observe additional trips during its observations in the PM peak hours, the City Traffic <br />Engineer may require the applicant to pay for a trip generation "after study" to be <br />completed by the City's on-call transportation consultant. If the trip generation “after <br />study” is reflective of the applicant's November 26, 2024, narrative no further action will <br />be needed. If the trip generation is greater than the narrative, the applicant sha ll be <br />required to pay the City’s Traffic Impact Fees associated with the additional trips and/or <br />have their use permit brought back to Planning Commission for subsequent review. <br /> <br />22. Monitoring of circulation and parking during operational hours may be conducted by <br />Traffic Engineering staff. If parking exceeds the allowed allotment and/or circulation <br />problems arise once the programs are in operation, as determined by the City’s Traffic <br />Engineer, this conditional use permit may be submitted to the Planning Commission for <br />their subsequent review at a public hearing. If necessary, the Planning Commission <br />may modify or add conditions of approval to mitigate such impacts or may revoke said <br />minor conditional use permit. <br />Docusign Envelope ID: A921938A-B3B2-4029-83B5-9195C85C5909