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Docusign Envelope ID: A02250A3-9BC8-425B-B609-14783EF2C4DE <br />Resolution No . PC-2024-18 <br />Page Dois <br />influences and harmful intrusions, and ensure that public and private lands ultimately <br />are used for the purposes which are most appropriate and beneficial to the City as a <br />whole. As conditioned, staff finds the proposed preschool would be consistent with <br />these objectives. The proposed preschool would be conducted so as to not impact or <br />interfere with the surrounding uses in that the number of students, hours of operation, <br />pick-up and drop-off procedures, and staffing levels will not generate substantial noise <br />or parking demand. <br />The subject site is zoned PUD-1/C-O (Planned Unit Development - <br />Industrial/Commercial-Office) District, which generally has the characteristics of the <br />City's O (Office) District. One purpose of the O District is to protect offices from noise, <br />disturbances, traffic hazards, safety hazards, and other objectionable influences <br />incidental to certain commercial uses. As conditioned, staff finds the proposed <br />preschool would be consistent with the Zoning Ordinance objectives and O District <br />purpose in that it would be operated so as to not impact or interfere with the surrounding <br />office uses. The proposed preschool will be operated primarily indoors and on a <br />property with adequate circulation and parking to support the use. The applicant will <br />also be required to mitigate any future nuisances that may occur as a result of the <br />proposed use . Therefore, staff believes this finding can be made. <br />B. That the proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions under which <br />it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, <br />safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to the properties or improvements in the <br />vicinity. <br />Academic facilities, including preschools, are a common use within or near office areas <br />in Pleasanton. The City's experience shows that these uses generally make "good <br />neighbors." Preschools generally do not subject surrounding uses to heavy truck traffic, <br />hazardous odors, high noise levels, or other objectionable influences. If the <br />recommended conditions of approval are met, staff finds the preschool will not <br />detrimentally impact surrounding uses. All streets around the subject site are designed <br />per City standards to provide safe ingress and egress into and out of the site. In <br />addition, staff believes the preschool will have adequate off-street parking to meet <br />project demand. Conditions have also been included that would require the applicant to <br />mitigate any future nuisances as a result of the proposed use. Therefore, staff believes <br />this finding can be made. <br />C. That the proposed conditional use will comply with each of the applicable <br />provisions of the zoning ordinance. <br />The site's PUD-I/C-O (Planned Unit Development -Industrial/Commercial-Office) <br />District zoning conditionally permits the establishment of preschools. In addition, the <br />preschool complies with all relevant sections of the zoning ordinance. Granting a CUP <br />to the preschool would be consistent with the City's ability to regulate zoning as listed in <br />Docusign Envelope ID: A02250A3-9BC8-425B-B609-14783EF2C4DE