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Ordinance No. 2289 Exhibit A <br />CHAPTER 3.22 <br />CAPITAL FACILITIES FEE <br />§ 3.22.010. Purpose. <br />The city council finds that the cumulative impact of all new development under the general <br />plan will result in unacceptable decreases in public services. To prevent these undesirable <br />consequences, public facilities must be provided at a rate which will accommodate the expected <br />growth in the city. The city council acknowledges that the demand for public facilities is shared by <br />new development as well as by existing development. The proposed capital facilities fee (formerly <br />known as the public facilities fee) apportions the cost of the necessary public improvements <br />among the different categories of new and existing users according to the reasonably estimated <br />demand that each group of users places upon public facilities. <br />(Ord. 1764 § 2, 1998; Ord. 2192 § 2, 2019) <br />§ 3.22.020. Terms and definitions. <br />For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated in this <br />section: <br />"Developer" means an individual or entity submitting an application for a building permit or other <br />entitlement for development. <br />"Development" means: <br />1. New residential unit(s), including conversion of or addition to an existing unit that results <br />in greater than one unit. <br />2. New commercial, office, and industrial development. <br />3. Additions to existing commercial, office and industrial development greater than 200 <br />gross square feet. <br />"Future growth" means the total amount of potential new development in the city permitted <br />under the general plan. Future growth is expressed in terms of gross square footage for industrial <br />and commercial development, the number of dwelling units for residential development, and the <br />residential and employee population associated with such new development. <br />"Gross floor area" has the same meaning as set forth in Section 18.08.195 of this code. <br />"Land use category" means any of the following specified land uses: <br />1. Residential: <br />a. Single-family detached; <br />b. Single-family attached (townhouse); <br />c. Multi-family (apartment, condominium); <br />d. Accessory dwelling or junior dwelling unit. <br />2. Office. <br />3. Commercial/retail. <br />4. Industrial/warehouse. <br />Page 24 of 638