City Council Minutes Page 2 of 7 December 17, 2024
<br />Development Fee), Commercial Linkage Fee, Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee, and
<br />Water and Wastewater Connection Fees; and 2) introduce an ordinance amending
<br />the Pleasanton Municipal Code, Chapter 3.22 – Capital Facilities Fee, Chapter
<br />3.26 – Transportation Development Fee, and Chapter 14.04 – Regulation of Water
<br />System and Water Service Fee to align with the Nexus Studies and make other
<br />technical updates and corrections
<br />Recommendation: Adopt 1) Resolution No. 2024-077 approving and adopting the
<br />Nexus Studies prepared by Economic & Planning Systems, Inc., dated November
<br />25, 2024, and by Raftelis, dated October 17, 2024, to update the City’s
<br />Development Impact Fees; and amending the City’s Master Fee Schedule to
<br />increase the City’s Capital Facilities Fee, Transportation Development Fee (also
<br />referred to as the Transportation Development Fee), Commercial Linkage Fee,
<br />Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee, and Water and Wastewater Connection Fees; and
<br />2) introduce Ordinance No. 2289 amending the Pleasanton Municipal Code,
<br />Chapter 3.22 – Capital Facilities Fee, Chapter 3.26 – Transportation Development
<br />Fee, and Chapter 14.04 – Regulation of Water System and Water Service Fee to
<br />align with the Nexus Studies and make other technical updates and corrections.
<br />•Councilmember Valerie Arkin
<br />•Mayor Karla Brown
<br />Donna Brown representing Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan's office and
<br />Senator Steve Glazer's office provided remarks.
<br />Ashley Strasburg representing Alameda County Supervisors David Haubert and Nate
<br />Miley provided remarks.
<br />Karishma Khatri representing Assemblymember Liz Ortega's office provided remarks.
<br />Mayor Brown opened public comment. The following individuals provided comment:
<br />Nancy Krakauer, Paulette Goodrich, Vicki Hubbard, Jay Maille, Carol Brachua, Carol
<br />Cohen, Jay Galvin, Rita Galvin, Jackie Tarin-Rankl, Joanne Hall, Sandy Yamaoda,
<br />Matthew Gray, Fred Carter, Joan Nibert, TJ McGrath, Matthew Gray, Fred Carter, Joan
<br />Nibert, TJ McGrath, Ron Baskett, Laurene Green, Wendy Kimsey, Kelly Mokashi, Jan
<br />Coleman Knight, Andrew Turnbull, Brian Arkin, Ramesh Immadi.
<br />Mayor Brown closed the public comment.
<br />Members of the City Council provided remarks.
<br />Councilmember Valerie Arkin provided remarks.
<br />Mayor Karla Brown provided remarks.
<br />Mayor Brown called a recess at 8:47 p.m.
<br />Mayor Balch reconvened the meeting at 9:05 p.m.
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