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ORD 2287
City of Pleasanton
2201 - 2300
ORD 2287
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Ordinance No. 2287 <br /> Page 5 of 21 <br /> B. For lower-income housing constructed on lands designated for other than residential development <br /> in the general plan as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, the project <br /> developer shall be given a credit, for purposes of offsetting the affordable housing fee otherwise <br /> required, in an amount established by separate city council resolution and which credit amount <br /> shall be set forth in the city's master fee schedule, as amended. <br /> C. For lower-income housing constructed on lands designated for residential development in the <br /> general plan as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, for each lower- <br /> income housing unit constructed beyond 15 percent of the residential development project, the <br /> project developer shall be given a credit for purposes of off-setting the affordable housing fee <br /> otherwise required, in an amount established by separate city council resolution and which credit <br /> amount shall be set forth in the city's master fee schedule, as amended. <br /> D. In the event the lower-income housing constructed by the developer of a commercial, office or <br /> industrial development project creates an offset of the affordable housing fee greater than the total <br /> fee required by the development project,the developer may apply the difference to other sites then <br /> owned by the developer. This transfer shall be so noted in the regulatory agreement accompanying <br /> the project. <br /> (Ord. 1488 § 1, 1990; Ord. 2192 § 2, 2019) <br /> § 17.40.070. Annual adjustment of the fee. <br /> The affordable housing fee shall annually be revised effective January 1st of each year, commencing <br /> on January 1, 1992, by the percentage increase or decrease in the Engineering News Record Consumer <br /> Construction Cost Index for the San Francisco Bay Area. <br /> (Ord. 1488 § 1, 1990; Ord. 2192 § 2, 2019) <br /> § 17.40.080. Establishment of affordable housing fund. <br /> A. All fees generated pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited into the affordable housing fund, and <br /> any property interest or other value contributed, including interest earned by the fund, shall be <br /> segregated and used exclusively for the purposes provided for herein. <br /> B. The city manager shall make a written annual report to the city council regarding the administration <br /> of the affordable housing fund. <br /> (Ord. 1488 § 1, 1990; Ord. 2192 § 2, 2019) <br /> § 17.40.090. Use of affordable housing fund. <br /> A. Any monies generated by this chapter shall be used in accordance with and in support of activities <br /> to administer and implement the city's adopted housing element and other policies and programs <br /> specifically related to affordable housing as may be approved or authorized by the city council. <br /> Activities may include, but are not limited to, land acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, <br /> subsidization, and counseling or assistance to other governmental entities, private organizations, <br /> or individuals to expand housing opportunities to lower-income households. <br /> B. Monies in the affordable housing fund may be disbursed,hypothecated,collateralized,or otherwise <br /> employed for the purposes set forth herein. These purposes include, but are not limited to, <br /> assistance to housing development corporations, equity participation loans, grants, development <br /> loan funds, participation leases, loans to develop affordable housing or other public/private <br />
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