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ORD 2287
City of Pleasanton
2201 - 2300
ORD 2287
Entry Properties
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12/13/2024 3:58:21 PM
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12/13/2024 3:57:29 PM
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Ordinance No 2287 <br /> Page 12 of 21 <br /> E. Inclusionary units . Inclusionary units may have fewer interior amenities than the market rate <br /> units in the project, except that inclusionary units shall have air-conditioning, enclosed garages, <br /> and laundry facilities to the extent the market-rate units have those amenities. Interior finishes <br /> and amenities must be equivalent to those provided in the base model market-rate units. <br /> F. The residents of the inclusionary units shall have the same access to shared common areas, <br /> open space, parking, storage and other amenities as the market-rate residents when located in <br /> the same building or on the same site. <br /> G. Bedroom Mix: <br /> The project shall comply with the following standards with respect to the bedroom mix of the <br /> affordable/inclusionary units: <br /> i. For for-sale projects,the average number of bedrooms per unit for all affordable <br /> units in the project shall equal the average number of bedrooms for all other units <br /> in the project, up to a limit of three bedrooms per unit; <br /> ii. For rental projects, a minimum of 10 percent of the total affordable units shall be <br /> three-bedroom units; a minimum of 40 percent of the total affordable units shall <br /> be two-bedroom units; and the remaining affordable units shall be studio or one- <br /> bedroom units except that no more than 10% of units may be studios. Age- <br /> restricted projects shall not be required to provide three-bedroom units, and may <br /> instead provide additional studio, one- or two-bedroom units in lieu of the <br /> required three-bedroom units. This provision shall not apply to affordable units <br /> that are financed with low-income tax credits. The director of community <br /> development may approve deviations from the specified bedroom mix for projects <br /> with 10 or fewer inclusionary units, except that at least 50 percent of units shall <br /> have at least two bedrooms if the market rate project also provides units of that <br /> size. <br /> H. Inclusionary units shall remain affordable in perpetuity from the date of occupancy, which <br /> shall be the date the city of Pleasanton approves final inspection for the building permit, <br /> through recordation of an affordable housing agreement as described in Section 17.44.060 of <br /> this chapter. <br /> All inclusionary units in a project shall be constructed concurrently with, or prior to, the <br /> construction of the project's market rate units, unless an alternative schedule for construction <br /> is approved by the city council in accordance with Section 17.44.080 below. "Concurrently" <br /> means that all inclusionary units shall be built prior to the build-out of market rate units in the <br /> same residential development project. In phased developments, inclusionary units shall be <br /> constructed and occupied in proportion to the number of market rate units constructed and <br /> occupied in each phase as follows: <br /> 1. A building permit may not be issued for any market rate unit unless a proportional <br /> number of building permits has been issued for inclusionary units; and <br /> 2. A certificate of occupancy or final inspection may not be issued for market rate units <br /> unless a proportional number of certificates of occupancy or final inspections have been <br /> issued for inclusionary units. <br /> F <br />
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