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P24-0370, 6663 Owens Drive Planning Commission <br />4 of 6 <br />Therefore, from a land use perspective, staff finds FXBS to be acceptable on the subject <br />property, as conditioned. <br /> <br />Traffic and Circulation <br />The Traffic Engineering Division has reviewed the project narrative and plan prepared for the <br />proposed preschool, and has determined the proposed hours of operation, planned activities <br />and the associated number of students and staff would not have a significant impact on <br />existing traffic levels. Additionally, the pick-up and drop off times have been tailored so as not <br />to coincide with the AM/PM peak hour traffic levels for the other uses at the subject site and <br />the surrounding area. However, should the applicant wish to increase the number of students <br />and/or alter the hours stated in its narrative, review by the City’s Traffic Engineer would be <br />required to assess whether a traffic study would be required and whether payment of traffic <br />fees and implementation of other mitigation measures would be warranted. <br /> <br />Parking <br />There are two existing single-story buildings on the subject site that collectively are <br />approximately 48,404 square feet in floor area and there are a total of 162 on -site parking <br />spaces. The parking ratio at the subject site is one space per 303 square feet of gross floor <br />area. Based on this ratio, there are approximately 36 parking spaces theoretically allocated to <br />the subject suite (11,135 square feet multiplied by 1 parking space /303 square feet = 36 <br />parking spaces). However, there are no assigned parking spaces in this development. <br /> <br />The Pleasanton Municipal Code parking standards require that educational facilities, such as a <br />preschool, provide one parking space for each employee and one parking space for every four <br />students in grade 10 or above. Based on these requirements, FXBS coul d generate a demand <br />of up to eight parking spaces at any given time based on the occupancy of: <br /> <br />• Eight staff members = Eight parking spaces <br />• No students in grade 10 or above (all students will be 18 months to 5 years old) = Zero <br />parking spaces. <br /> <br />Based on the above parking analysis and recommended conditions of approval, staff believes <br />the proposed use would not adversely affect parking supply at the subject site or surrounding <br />properties and adequate parking exists on-site to accommodate all existing and proposed <br />uses. However, should parking problems occur, staff has included a condition of approval <br />which allows the Director of Community Development to refer the use permit back to the <br />Planning Commission for possible additional mitigation measures to be applied (Exhibit A). <br /> <br />Noise <br />The subject parcel and building are in an area containing both office and commercial uses, and <br />a certain amount of noise is expected. The Pleasanton Municipal Code states that a proposed <br />conditional use must be in accordance with the objectives of the Zoni ng Ordinance. One of <br />those objectives is to “Promote the stability of existing land uses that conform with the General <br />Plan and to protect them from inharmonious influences and harmful intrusions.” <br /> <br />Based on the project narrative, all proposed activities would occur inside of the subject suite. <br />With the exception of the outdoor play area, which may generate some noise slightly above <br />ambient levels when students are using the area, staff believes it is unlikely the noise <br />generated during the proposed activities would exceed the Municipal Code standard or impact