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$ <br />Understanding of the Project <br />We at SVS aim to assist the City of Pleasanton Library and Recreation Department ("Library") in the <br />development of an outreach vehicle to provide logistical and information-based benefits to <br />populations within its area. The library is interested in professional assistance to supplement the <br />knowledge base of the team during this initiative, and SVS can provide its expertise and capabilities <br />within this field to guide this unique project forward from its current stage. <br />The deliverables of this project shall be completed in an expeditious manner. <br />SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES <br />1. Develop "desirables" list conjunction with the library and consult as required with relevant <br />personnel to develop accurate goals and plan for the project. Provide Recommendations <br />Report based on findings. <br />2. Prepare a supplemental document detailing expected liferycle, maintenance and <br />replacement costs for vehicle, equipment and technology, and costs for state inspections. <br />3. Prepare preliminary AutoCAD floor plan for vehicle layout to include with Request For <br />Proposal (RFP) package, including up to two (2) revisions. <br />4. Develop comprehensive project specifications for the selected vehicle, vehicle options, <br />and aftermarket modifications. This aspect shall include identification of necessary <br />fixtures and equipment for the vehicle and include up to tvvo (2) revisions. <br />5. Prepare an independent cost estimate for the developed vehicles based on current <br />market conditions. <br />6. Prepare and provide a recommended prospective vendor list for Request For Proposal <br />("RFP") issue. <br />7. Assist with or lead RFP (or equivalent) purchasing process in conjunction with library <br />staff. <br />8. Analyze RFP responses in conjunction with the library. Provide analysis summary and <br />recommendation report based on outcome. <br />9. Provide recommendations for vehicle storage and support infrastructure. <br />lO.Provide primary vendor relations and general project management services on behalf of <br />Library during pre-construction engineering refinement and project construction. <br />1 1 . Consult with library on finish material selection and exterior graphics design as <br />applicable. <br />1 2. Provide up to three (3) virtual presentations at City of Pleasanton public meetings. <br />1 3. Coordinate and conduct a 1 day on-site "post-construction/pre-delivery" inspection and <br />testing at selected vendor's facility. lnspections shall ensure contract, regulatory and <br />quality compliance. Functional/operational testing of the finished vehicle shall also be <br />completed, <br />Page 4 oi $ <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 06F41802-E38F-4C02-835D-37EB0F70EFA7