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CGL E5691 CW (11/19) Includes copyrighted material of Insurance <br /> Services Offices, Inc., with its permission Page 2 of 2 <br />(2) To any obligation to share damages with <br />or repay someone else who must pay <br />damages because of injury. <br />This exclusion does not apply to: <br />(i) Liability assumed by the insured under an <br />"insured contract"; or <br />(ii)"Bodily injury" arising out of and in the <br />course of domestic employment by the <br />insured unless benefits for such injury are in <br />whole or in part either payable or required to <br />be provided under any workers' compensa- <br />tion law. <br />hn-j. Damage to Property <br />"Property damage" to: <br />(1) Property owned or being transported by, or <br />rented or loaned to the insured; or <br />(2)Property in the care, custody, or control of <br />the insured. <br />2. Section II - Who Is An Insured is deleted in <br />its entirety and replaced by the following: <br />Each of the following is an insured under this <br />endorsement to the extent set forth below: <br />a. You; <br />b. Any other person using a "hired auto" with <br />your permission; <br />c. Solely for a "non-owned auto": <br />(1) Any partner or "executive officer" of <br />yours; or <br />(2) Any "employee" of yours; but only while <br />such "non-owned auto" is being used in <br />your business; and <br />d. Any other person or organization, but only <br />for their liability because of acts or omissions <br />of an insured under a., b. or c. above. <br />None of the following will be considered an <br />insured under this endorsement: <br />(1) Any person engaged in the business of <br />their employer for "bodily injury" to any co- <br />"employee" of such person injured in the <br />course of employment, or to the spouse, child, <br />parent, brother, or sister of that co-"employee" <br />as a consequence of such "bodily injury", or for <br />any obligation to share damages with or repay <br />someone else who must pay damages <br />because of the injury; <br />(2) Any partner or "executive officer" for any <br />"auto" owned by such partner or officer or a <br />member of his or her household; <br />(3) Any person while employed in or otherwise <br />engaged in duties in connection with an <br />"auto business", other than an "auto <br />business" you operate; <br />(4) The owner or lessee (of whom you are a <br />sublessee) of a "hired auto" or the owner of <br />a "non-owned auto" or any agent or <br />"employee" of any such owner or lessee; or <br />(5) Any person or organization for the conduct <br />of any current or past partnership or joint <br />venture that is not shown as a Named <br />Insured in the Declarations. <br />C. For purposes of this endorsement only, Section III <br />– Limits of Insurance is amended to the extent <br />necessary to provide the following: <br /> Regardless of the number of “hired autos”, “non- <br />owned autos”, or vehicles involved, or the number <br />of claims made or “suits” brought, the most we will <br />pay for all damages resulting from any one <br />“occurrence” covered under this endorsement will <br />be the Limit of Insurance stated in the Schedule <br />above. <br />All payments we make for damages covered by <br />this endorsement will be a part of, and not in <br />addition to, the General Aggregate Limit stated in <br />the Declarations. <br />D. For the purposes of this endorsement only, 4. <br />Other Insurance in Section IV – Commercial <br />General Liability Conditions is deleted in its <br />entirety and replaced by the following: <br />This insurance is specifically excess over any <br />primary insurance covering the "hired auto" or <br />"non-owned auto". <br />D. With respect to the coverage provided by this <br />endorsement, the following additional definitions <br />are added to Section V- Definitions: <br /> 1. "Auto business" means the business or occu- <br />pation of selling, repairing, servicing, storing, or <br />parking "autos". <br /> 2. "Hired auto" means any "auto" you lease, hire, <br />rent, or borrow. “Hired auto” does not include <br />any "auto" you lease, hire, rent, or borrow from <br />any of your "employees", your partners, or your <br />"executive officers", or members of their house- <br />holds. <br /> 3. "Non-owned auto" means any "auto" you do <br />not own, lease, hire, rent, or borrow which is <br />used in connection with your business. This in- <br />cludes "autos" owned by your "employees", <br />your partners, or your "executive officers", or <br />members of their households, but only while <br />used in your business or your personal affairs. <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 1B65D8BB-306F-4CEA-97D4-8D9BBCF94581