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Policyholder Notice <br />Electronic Delivery <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />INT N003 CW (01/19) <br />If you received your insurance policy by email, it is because you have chosen electronic delivery of your <br />policy documents and important notices, including cancellation and nonrenewal notices where permitted by <br />law. We also will send any renewal policy documents to you by email at the address you have provided. <br />If you are currently receiving paper documents and would like to have ease of retrieval and access and save <br />on storage space, you will need to contact us and update your preferences. Most documents can be sent <br />electronically within minutes. For electronic documents, you will need a computer or mobile device with <br />Internet access and the ability to receive external emails. You also will need software such as Adobe <br />Reader® that allows you to view and save PDF documents, and a printer to create paper copies. <br />At any time you may request a paper copy of your policy, or you may withdraw your consent to receive <br />documents by email. We will then send documents to you by US mail at no added cost. <br />You must notify us if your email or street address changes. To update your email or street address, or to <br />request paper documents, please contact us at 888-202-3007. <br />Chaplin And Hill Investigative Services, LLC <br />HSX2GL107051-01 <br />Nov 5 2024Named Insured : <br />Policy Number : <br />Endorsement Effective : <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 1B65D8BB-306F-4CEA-97D4-8D9BBCF94581