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Submitte d O n: <br />Nov 17, 2024, 11:29PM P S T <br />C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting - <br />Submit y our w r itten public <br />comment <br />City of Pleasanton <br />Full Na me F irs t Na me : ga nes h <br />La s t Na me : s undar am <br />E ma il (this e ntry is dis c lo s a ble <br />if inc lude d) <br />C ity C o unc il Me e ting Da te Novem ber 19, 2024 <br />Me e ting Type Regular Meeting at 7 P M <br />Age nda Ite m Numbe r 1 <br />C o mme nts I dis a gr ee with incr eas ing the s e ver ance to twe lve m onths fo r the <br />city mana ger , who is likely alr eady the highes t-pa id em plo yee in the <br />city. T he r eas ons ar e as follows : <br />1. S eve r a nce s hould be pr o por tiona l to the le ngth o f em plo ym ent. <br />T he city manager has only be en in the job for two ye ar s , m aking a <br />twelve-m onth s ever ance pa ckage exces s ively high and atypical <br />a cr o s s indus tr ies , including public s ecto r r oles . <br />2. P leas anton is cur r ently facing budge t deficits , which have <br />neces s ita ted cuts , even in s cho o ls , and effo r ts to r ais e r evenue <br />thr ough incr eas e d water a nd s ale s taxes . Allocating a twelve-m onth <br />s ever ance package would wor s en the financial s tr ain o n the city's <br />budget.