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<br />6 <br /> <br /> <br />Air Quality and GHG Emissions <br />Raney will rely upon the applicant-provided Air Quality Analysis for use in the CEQA analysis. <br />As discussed in Task 2, Raney will internally review the provided technical reports for accuracy <br />and adequacy in meeting the requirements of CEQA, and incorporate the results of the analysis <br />into the air quality and GHG emissions sections of the IS Checklist. <br /> <br />Noise <br />The noise section will address potential impacts associated with construction and traffic-related <br />noise and vibration impacts. Raney will rely on the applicant-provided Exterior Noise and Exterior <br />Façade Acoustical Analysis. It should be noted that the Exterior Noise and Exterior Façade <br />Acoustical Analysis may not be adequate for CEQA purposes, as it may only focus on impacts of <br />existing environmental noise on the project. However, the CEQA analysis will be focused on the <br />impacts of the proposed project on the existing environment. As discussed in Task 2, Raney will <br />internally review the provided technical report for accuracy and adequacy in meeting the <br />requirements of CEQA, and will coordinate with the City to have the report revised, if necessary. <br /> <br />Transportation <br />The transportation section will be based on the Traffic Study to be provided by the applicant team. <br />As previously discussed in the Approach, Raney anticipates that the Traffic Study would evaluate <br />whether the project would screen out from VMT impact analysis. If the project does not screen out <br />from a VMT analysis, Raney anticipates the Traffic Study will include a quantitative VMT analysis <br />and recommend mitigation measures, if needed, to reduce VMT impacts to less than the applicable <br />VMT thresholds, pursuant to the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update EIR Mitigation Measure <br />TRANS-2. <br /> <br />Remaining Issue Areas <br />The remaining issue areas of the Modified IS Checklist will be based upon information provided <br />by the City and/or the project team, and pertinent City documents, including but not limited to the <br />City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element Update and associated EIR, as well as any other <br />pertinent information prepared for the project site and surrounding area. <br /> <br />With respect to biological resources, Raney will rely on the applicant-provided Biological <br />Resources Analysis for use in the CEQA analysis. <br /> <br />With respect to cultural resources, Raney will rely on the applicant-provided Cultural Analysis <br />Report. Given the passage of AB 52, and the associated amendments to PRC 21080.3.1, lead <br />agencies are required to consult with Native American tribes early in the CEQA process if one or <br />more tribes have previously requested such notice pursuant to AB 52. It should be noted that AB <br />52 would not be required if the project is determined to be exempt from CEQA. <br /> <br />With respect to geology and soils, Raney will rely on the applicant-provided Geotechnical Report <br />for use in the CEQA analysis. <br /> <br />With respect to hazards and hazardous materials, Raney will rely on the applicant-provided Phase <br />I ESA (June 2024) prepared by ENGEO for use in the CEQA analysis. <br /> <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 09BAAC01-CC65-497E-8E0E-465F9147B7C1Docusign Envelope ID: EFEF350E-42AA-4156-8084-8590989A320D