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<br />BAAHA Scope of Services Contract Year 2024/25 | Page13 <br />Program Support –Real Estate Professionals <br /> <br />BAAHA will provide support in addressing questions and guiding real estate professional <br />through the process of interacting and utilizing City Programs to assist their clients. <br /> <br />General Non-Program Specific Related Administration Fees <br /> <br />BAAHA charges a $150 per month fee to assist real estate professionals (billed quarterly) and a <br />$500 general administrative fee (billed quarterly) to cover all other support Program and Non- <br />Program related administrative activities referenced above. <br /> <br />BMR Portfolio Management Fees <br /> <br />BAAHA’s administrative fee is based on a per unit fee for each PHAP in the City’s inventory. <br />The fee is $175 per unit with a total projected annual cost of $17,500. A portion of the gross fee <br />is billed on a quarterly basis at $4,375 per a quarter. The gross per unit fee will cover up to 10 <br />hours of BAAHA’s services applied towards activities to address and cure technical and <br />financial violations/defaults for any of the PHAP units. Upon (and if) exceeding 10 hours of <br />services for addressing violations/defaults, BAAHA will charge $150 per hour for such services. <br />The fee for conducting the annual workshop is $1,500. <br /> <br />Property Resale Administration Fee <br /> <br />For Resale Properties - BAAHA and/or its affiliate Home Quest Realty will collect the BMR <br />administrative fee directly from the BMR seller. BAAHA will not be charging the City directly <br />for this service. The seller will pay BAAHA/HQR directly for the service. BAAHA charges the <br />seller a 2.5% sales fee based on the sales price of the PHAP unit. As established and <br />implemented in the 2022/23 BAAHA administrative contract, BAAHA will add the 2.5% fee to <br />the gross resale price of the BMR. BAAHA/HQR will act as both the seller’s and the buyer’s <br />agent in the transaction. The buyer will not be charged an additional administrative fee. <br /> <br />For New Developments – BAAHA’s and/or its affiliate Home Quest Realty proposes to collect <br />BMR sale administrative fees directly from the BMR developer/seller. BAAHA will not be <br />charging the City directly for this service. The fee for this service may vary from 1.5% to 2.5%, <br />and is based on: the level of services required by the developer, the number of units that are <br />placed for sale, and the number of project phases; including the duration of time between each <br />developmental phase. Projects with a longer duration of time between the release of phases may <br />incur a fee on the higher end of BAAHA’s fee spectrum. Such projects may entail BAAHA to <br />run separate outreach and screening campaigns. Fees will also be structured on the level of <br />services required by the developer. Developers requesting that BAAHA’s affiliate Home Quest <br />Realty, is involved with the BMR sale will be asses a fee on the higher end of the spectrum. <br />Developers that require all the services, less the real estate purchase transaction services, will be <br />charged a fee at the lower end of the fee spectrum. A fee schedule that incorporates all the above <br />considerations will be devised and agreed upon by all parties involved at the onset of each <br />development with new BMR properties. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />   <br />     Docusign Envelope ID: 473ECB6B-08F5-49E6-8BF9-53FFB6D72DE6