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• l <br />Bond No . GS29700165 <br />Prem ium : $22 ,770.00 <br />Premium Based on Final Contract Amount <br />CONTRACTOR'S BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE <br />KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />Whereas, The City Council of the City of Pleasanto n, State of Ca li forn ia, and Integra Construction Serv ices, Inc. <br />(''Principal ") ha ve entered into an agreement whereby Principal agrees to install and complete certain designated <br />public impro vements, which sa id agreement, dated Sep+4!1Mb~v-J , 2024, and identified as Lions Wayside and <br />Delucchi Park Renovations, Project No. 06716, is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; an d <br />Wherea s, Said Principal is required under the term s of sa id agree ment to furnish a bond for the fa ithfu l performance of <br />said agreement. <br />Now, therefore, we, Principal and The Gray Casua lty & Surety Company (''Surety"), are held and firmly bound unto <br />the City of Pleasanton , in the penal sum of One Million Two Hundred Sixty-five Thousand dollars ($1,265,000.00) <br />lawful mone y of the United States , for the payme nt of which s um well and truly to be mad e, we bind ourselves , our <br />heirs, s ucc essors, executors and administrators, jointl y a nd severally, firmly by these pre sents. <br />The condition of this obligation is s uch that if the above bounded Principal , Principal 's heirs , executors , <br />administrators , successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the <br />covenants, conditions and provi s ion s in the sa id agreement and any a lteration thereof made as therein provided, on <br />Princi pal's part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the mann er therein specified, and in a ll re spec ts acco rding <br />to their tru e intent and meaning, a nd shall indemnify and save harmle ss City of Pleasanton , its officers, agents a nd <br />em ployees, as therein stipulated , th e n thi s obligation s hall become null and vo id ; otherwise it s hall be and remain in <br />full force and effect. <br />As a part of the obligation sec ur ed hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there sha ll·be inc lud ed <br />costs and rea s onable expenses and fees, including rea so nable attorney 's fees, incurred by City of Pleasanto n in <br />successfully e nforcin g s uch obligation, all to be taxed as co sts and includ ed in any judgment rendered . <br />Surety hereby st ipul ates and agr ees that no change, extension of time , a lt erat ion or add ition to the terms of the <br />agreement or to the work to be performed th ereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise <br />affect it s obligations on thi s bond , a nd it does here by waive notice of a ny suc h change, exten sion of time , alteration or <br />addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. <br />In witness whereof~ thi s instrument has been duly executed by the Principal(s) and Surety above named, on <br />September 13th , 2024 . <br />Inc. <br />c, Attorney-in-Fact <br />--'--\--'=----=-------=~'----------'-1---L--'--_c\&\'fsy: _____________ _ <br />D21te S igned: <br />(attach acknowl edgment s) <br />P.O. Box 6202 <br />Surety Address <br />Metairie, LA 70009 <br />(877) 857-6006 <br />Surety's Phone No. <br />Lio ns Wayside an d De lucchi Park Renovatio ns , Cl P No. 06716 <br />..,- <br />Docusign Envelope ID: B44A2432-4811-426C-B5F5-6E9650A4B84F