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EXHIBIT B <br />CONDITIONS FOR PAYMENT BETWEEN <br />CITY OF PLEASANTON <br />AND <br />Goodnes Village <br />1. CLIENT CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: <br />The City shall be allowed to review case work history information. The purpose of the City's review is to <br />see randomly selected client information to determine the adequacy of record keeping and quality of <br />services performed. <br />2. BILINGUAL ASSISTANCE <br />The Contractor shall provide bilingual professional staff as needed to serve its clients. <br />3. METHOD OF PAYMENT <br />All requests for reimbursement shall be in a format approved by the City and shall be submitted to the City <br />on a monthly basis with supporting documentation of actual costs incurred. Requests for reimbursement <br />must be received within 30 days of the end of each claim month. <br />For public service projects, reimbursements shall be submitted on a monthly basis and shall be organized <br />according to a "fee for service" system (as opposed to a pro-rating of the total yearly grant amount by <br />month or by quarter). Specifically, the Contractor shall develop a reasonable fee basis for the unit cost of <br />providing service to its clients (e.g., per client, per visit, per hour, or other applicable basis). This fee basis <br />shall be set forth in Attachment B-1. Requests for reimbursement shall be expressed in terms of this fee <br />basis and the actual level of service provided during the month for which the invoice is being submitted <br />(e.g., number of clients served, number of visits, number of hours of service, or other applicable measure). <br />Supporting documentation of the level of service shall be included as an attachment to the invoice. Any <br />modifications to the fee basis during the term of this Agreement shall be submitted to the City for review <br />and approval prior to the submittal of new invoices. <br />Any adjustments made by the fiscal auditors at the year-end audit, under the American Institute of CPAs <br />(AICPA) guidelines and other relevant federal regulations, should be brought to the attention of City staff for <br />reconciliation. <br />Monthly invoices should include, by line item, documentation of the expenditure of matching funds on the <br />City contract. <br />Page 9 <br />  <br />  Docusign Envelope ID: 7E79B3AE-3519-40C5-91BA-455EE24E6872