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BID P OPOSAL <br />Annual Court Resurfacing -Fairlands Park and Tennis & Community Park <br />Project No. 24744 <br />DATE: <br />Proposal?f S,\.\t,nV' V~~:\?,i.v~(lg ,Ah<.. . . . (hereinafter <br />call d "B1dder") a WNt' l G;;¾~tb '( organized and existing under the laws <br />of the State cS ' doing business as s; \JU\/\ V l\.lU-vl j)O\V~/\'),..-frlt.:.•, to the City of <br />Pleasanton , City Clerk 123 Main Street, Pleasanton, aliio\·nia (h reinafter called "City"). <br />Lad ies and Gentlemen: <br />The Bidder, in compliance with the invitation for bids for the Annual Court <br />Resurfacing -Fairlands Park and Tennis & Community Park, Proj ect No. 24744, <br />City of Pleasanton, having examined the Plan and Specifications and related documents <br />and the premises of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions <br />surrounding the construction of the proposed project including the availability of <br />materials and supplies, declar s that this proposal is made without collu ion with any <br />oth r p rson, firm or corporation and agre to construct the project in accordanc with <br />the contract documents , within the time set forth therein , and at the prices stated below. <br />he e prices are to cover all expenses in urred in performing the work required under the <br />ontract Documents, of which this Bid Proposal is a part . <br />Bidd r shall agr lo omm n rk und r this Contra t itl in fift n (15) al nda da <br />after the date of ritt n "Notice to Proceed" and fully complete the proje t within forty <br />(40) working days after start of work. Bidder shall pay as liquidated damages in the sum <br />of $1,000.00 per calendar day should the successful Bidder fail to complete the work within <br />this time limit unless the successfu l Bidder is granted a time extension. <br />Annual Court Resurfacing -Fairlands Park and Tennis & Community Park, CIP o. 24744 Page 5 <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 79841C54-82E6-4BAA-9720-C2DA6E20B8F6