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Page 4 of 14 <br />Packet from March 19, 2024, at the <br />link <br /> <br />2. Limiting City Staffing Levels <br />a. As a full-service organization, the City relies primarily on employees to deliver a range <br />of municipal services. The number of budgeted General Fund positions has remained <br />flat over the past 5 years, and per capita, Pleasanton has fewer public safety/sworn <br />staff relative to neighboring and comparable cities. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />b. Multiple positions, such as Recreation Coordinator, Recreation Supervisor, <br />Sustainability Manager, Chief Diversity Officer, and Office Assistant, have been frozen, <br />meaning the positions will be held vacant until funding can be identified. <br /> <br />3. Controlling Contract Service Costs and New Services and Programs <br />a. The City has taken steps to reduce costs associated with contract and professional <br />services, including for technical support, communications, program/department <br />strategic plans, system implementation, etc. <br />b. City departments are not permitted to start new services and programs funded by the <br />General Fund, which has stifled innovation and measures that could improve service <br />levels (e.g., drone program for Police Department, technology upgrades to enhance <br />efficiency and accessibility, etc.). <br /> <br />4. Delaying Projects and Purchases of Vehicles and Equipment <br />a. Fire Station 2 (identified as a priority renovation/rebuild project over a decade ago) and <br />other City facility renovations have been deferred (including the police gun training <br />range, secure parking, HVAC projects, and many others). <br />b. Purchases of non-essential vehicles and equipment have been delayed or have been <br />downgraded (resulting in more costly maintenance bills and issues with regulatory <br />agencies). <br /> <br />5. Reducing City Staff Travel and Training Budget <br />a. The City’s current Travel and Training Budget has been reduced by nearly 22% from <br />Page 36 of 114