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Docusign Envelope ID : F0E2385B-1 BCB-41 ED-B541-2D5379A0908A <br />of the property; and ultimate disposition data including sales price or the method used to determine <br />current fair market value if the grantee reimburses the grantor agency for its share. <br />b. A physical inventory of property shall be taken and the results reconciled with the property records <br />are least once every two years to verify the existence, current utilization , and continued need for the <br />property . <br />c. A control system shall be in effect to insure adequate safeguards to prevent loss , damage , or theft <br />to the property. Any loss , damage , or theft of nonexpendab le property shall be investigated and fully <br />documented. <br />d. Adequate maintenance procedures shall be implemented to keep the property in good condition . <br />e. Proper sales procedures shall be established for unneeded property which would provide for <br />competition to the extent practicable and result in the highest possible return. <br />6. When the total inventory value of any unused expendable personal property exceeds $500 at the expiration <br />of need for any Federal grant purposes, the grantee may retain the property or sell the property as long as <br />he compensates the Federal Government for its share in the cost. The amount of compensation shall be <br />computed in accordance with 4.a.(2)(b). <br />7. Specified standards for control of intangible property are provided as follows: <br />a. If any program produces patentable items , patent rights, processes, or inventions, in the course of <br />work aided by a Federal grant, such fact shall be promptly and fully reported to the grantor agency . <br />Unless there is prior agreement between the grantee and granter on disposition of such items , the <br />granter agency shall determine whether protection on such invention or discovery shall be sought <br />and how the rights in the invent ion or discovery --including rights under any patent issued thereon - <br />-shall be allocated and adm inistered in order to protect the public interest consistent with <br />"Government Patent Policy" (President's Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and <br />Agencies, August 23 , 1971, and Statement of Government Patent Policy as printed in 36 F. R. <br />16889). <br />b. Where the grant resu lts in a book or copyrightab le material , the author or grantee is free to copyright <br />the work, but the Federal grantor agency reserves a royalty-free, non-exclus ive and irrevocable <br />license to reproduce , publish , or otherwise use , and to authorize others to use the work for <br />Government purposes. <br />Page 20 <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 49EB01E9-F55F-416A-8111-6C19B962AE28Docusign Envelope ID: 7487441C-12EE-4A8A-AB24-FC5D3769759A