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Ordinance No. 2284 <br />Page 15 of 40 <br />• MM GEO-6: A professional paleontologist, approved by the City of Pleasanton, <br />shall conduct a site-specific paleontological resources survey on the potential <br />sites for rezoning <br />If any of the potential sites for rezoning are found to be underlain by older <br />Quaternary deposits, or any other soil with the potential to contain vertebrate <br />fossils due to their high paleontological sensitivity for significant resources, <br />applicants, owners and/or sponsors of all future development or construction <br />projects shall be required to perform or provide paleontological monitoring, if <br />recommended by the qualified paleontologist. Should significant paleontological <br />resources (e.g., bones, teeth, well-preserved plant elements) be unearthed by a <br />future project construction crew, project activities shall be diverted at least 15 feet <br />from the discovered paleontological resources until a professional paleontologist <br />has assessed such discovered resources and, if deemed significant, such <br />resources shall be salvaged in a timely manner. The applicant/owner/sponsor of <br />said project shall be responsible for diverting project work and providing the <br />assessment including retaining a professional paleontologist for such purpose. <br />Collected fossils shall be deposited by the applicant/owner/sponsor in an <br />appropriate repository (e.g., University of California Museum of Paleontology <br />(UCMP), California Academy of Sciences) where the collection shall be properly <br />curated and made available for future research. <br />In addition, in accordance with the FEIR Mitigation Measures, additional site-specific <br />technical studies were completed, the results of which are documented in the Section <br />15183 Checklist. The project shall implement the following project -specific <br />requirements, pursuant to the respective FEIR Mitigation Measures listed, and in <br />accordance with the technical studies. For the remaining Mitigation Measures listed <br />above, the technical studies and Section 15183 Checklist conclude that no further <br />study or project -specific implementation is needed: <br />A. Project -Specific Implementation Measures for Compliance with MM Bio -1: <br />• General Avoidance and Minimization Measures Included in the East Alameda <br />County Conservation Strategy (EACCS) — The EACCS contains the following <br />general avoidance and minimization measures to reduce the effects on focal <br />species. These measures are taken from Table 3-2: of the EACCS (ICF 2010). <br />o Employees and contractors performing construction activities will receive <br />environmental sensitivity training. Training will include review of environmental <br />laws and Avoidance and Minimization Measures (AMMs) that must be followed <br />by all personnel to reduce or avoid effects on covered species during <br />construction activities. <br />o Environmental tailboard trainings will take place on an as -needed basis in the <br />field. The environmental tailboard trainings will include a brief review of the <br />biology of the covered species and guidelines that must be followed by all <br />personnel to reduce or avoid negative effects to these species during <br />construction activities. Directors, Managers, Superintendents, and the <br />crew foremen and forewomen will be responsible for ensuring that <br />crewmembers comply with the guidelines. <br />o Contracts with contractors, construction management firms, and <br />subcontractors will obligate all contractors to comply with these requirements, <br />and AMMs. <br />o The following will not be allowed at or near work sites for covered activities: <br />trash dumping, firearms, open fires (such as barbecues) not required by the <br />