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Ordinance No. 2283 <br />Page 11 of 17 <br />service easement (PSE), or in a utility company specific easement. The locations for <br />utility enclosures shall be considered in the following order of preference: (1) PSE <br />area behind public sidewalk; (2) parkstrip area between the roadway curb & gutter <br />and the sidewalk; (3) within the public sidewalk set flush to grade; (4) within driveway <br />approach areas set flush to the surface with traffic -rated lids. In no case shall an <br />above -ground pedestal or utility cabinet obstruct sight -line visibility for vehicle drivers <br />at intersections or driveways. Above -ground pedestals or utility cabinets are preferred <br />within the side- yard area of a corner residential lot rather than the front -yard. <br />Deviations from this standard must be approved by the City Engineer. (Address this <br />condition prior to plan approval) <br />48. DRY UTILITIES (ELECTRICITY CAN, TELECOM): All dry utilities including <br />electricity, telecommunications, cable television, street lights, alarm systems, etc. <br />required to serve the project shall be installed underground from the point -of - <br />connection at the utility purveyor's network to the service point. Aerial drops from <br />utility poles will not be allowed without prior approval of the City Engineer. (Address <br />this condition prior to plan approval) <br />49. TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL: Work in the public right-of-way or publicly - <br />accessible easement areas require submittal, review, approval, and implementation of <br />a temporary traffic control plan. The plan shall be in writing and subject to review and <br />approval of the City's Traffic Engineer. The plan must conform to the California Manual <br />on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD), with specific emphasis on Part 6 <br />"Temporary Traffic Control". <br />If Flaggers will be utilized, said personnel must be trained in the proper fundamentals of <br />flagging moving traffic before entering the right-of-way. The City may demand to see <br />evidence of said training before allowing said personnel into the right-of-way. <br />Any alterations to pedestrian paths of travel must conform to current standards for <br />the disabled. Any walking member of the public with a visual impairment (cane or <br />guide dog) must be escorted through the construction zone. (Address this <br />condition during construction) <br />50. HIGH VISIBILITY SAFETY APPAREL: All workers on foot who are exposed to the <br />hazard of vehicular traffic shall wear warning garments such as vests, jackets, or shirts <br />manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the American National <br />Standards Institute (ANSI)/International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) 107- <br />2004 Performance Class 2, high visibility safety apparel and headwear, or any updates <br />adopted by Cal OSHA. During hours of darkness, warning garments shall be <br />retroreflective with visibility from a minimum 1,000 feet. (Address this condition during <br />construction) <br />51. EXCAVATION SAFETY: All excavations must be performed in conformance with <br />California Government Code Section 4216 et seq. No excavation shall occur until <br />proper notice is provided to Underground Service Alert ( by calling <br />either 811 or 800-642-2444 at least 72 -hours prior to the work so buried utilities can be <br />marked. All <br />excavations shall be covered or barricaded to prevent entry when work is inactive. <br />Open excavations in the public right-of-way must be covered by skid -resistant steel <br />plates that are firmly affixed to the surface with leading edges ramped. Excavations <br />5 -feet and deeper require a protective system as defined by Cal -OSHA. If a shoring <br />