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City of Pleasanton “As Needed Services – Facilities” <br /> RFP#PWD-24-403 <br /> <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A FY 2024/25 – RATE SHEET <br /> <br />FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & RENOVATIONS <br />“ELECTRICAL SERVICE REPAIRS” <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The City is seeking a qualified electrical contractor to provide repair and replacement services for <br />commercial general electric service, lighting, and communication systems in City-owned buildings and <br />structures. <br /> <br />Scheduled Maintenance and Emergency Repairs: The contractor will perform scheduled maintenance <br />tasks and emergency repairs on electrical systems as needed to ensure the continued operation and safety <br />of City buildings. Services will be provided on both a scheduled basis and during emergencies, with <br />availability for 24-hour response, including overtime when necessary. <br /> <br />Repair and Replacement of Electrical Systems: The contractor will be responsible for repairing and/or <br />replacing commercial general electric service, lighting fixtures, and communication systems in City <br />buildings. This includes troubleshooting electrical issues, upgrading outdated systems, and ensuring <br />compliance with safety standards and regulations. <br /> <br />Personnel, Materials, and Equipment: Qualified electrical personnel equipped with the necessary tools, <br />materials, and equipment will be provided by the contractor to perform the required services. All materials <br />used must meet industry standards and safety regulations. <br /> <br />Compliance and Safety: Strict adherence to electrical codes, regulations, and safety protocols is <br />paramount to ensure the safety and functionality of electrical systems within City buildings and structures. <br />All OSHA Safety Requirements must be adhered to by the Contractor and/or any subcontractors while <br />on-site. <br /> <br />Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration between the contractor <br />and the City's project manager are essential for successful project execution. Regular updates, coordination <br />meetings, and clear communication channels will facilitate project progress and address any issues or <br />concerns promptly. <br /> <br />Contractor’s crews should be identified either by a Company uniform, or by a safety vest worn outside <br />other clothing with the Company name clearly displayed. <br /> <br />RATE SHEET <br />The cost quoted below shall include all taxes and all other charges, including travel expenses, and is the <br />cost the City will pay for the term of any contract that is a result of this bid. <br /> <br />Bidder hereby certifies to City that all representations, certifications, and statements made by Bidder, as <br />set forth in this Bid Form and attachments are true and correct and are made under penalty of perjury <br />pursuant to the laws of California. <br /> <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 62970DE8-FA72-4CF8-92F6-CD43484F8EE4