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MOTION: It was m/s by Nibert/Testa to approve the item as recommended with a <br />modification in the ballot question to substitute the word "prevent" with the word <br />"minimize." The full ballot measure title and question will be as follows: <br />PLEASANTON ESSENTIAL SERVICES PROTECTION MEASURE Yes <br />To maintain city services and minimize cuts, such as police and fire <br />protection; 911 emergency response; disaster preparedness; <br />pedestrian safety; park maintenance; pothole repair and street <br />maintenance; recreation programs; open space preservation; and <br />other general government uses; shall the City of No <br />Pleasanton's measure to establish a half -cent sales tax, providing <br />approximately $10,000,000 annually for 10 years, keeping all funds <br />local, with annual audits, public spending disclosure, and oversight, <br />be adopted? <br />Motion passed by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Councilmembers Arkin, Nibert, Testa, Mayor Brown <br />Noes: Councilmember Balch <br />Absent: None <br />Mayor Brown called a recess at 9:44 p.m. and reconvened at 9:55 p.m. <br />23. Adopt a resolution approving a CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 Consistency Checklist <br />pursuant to the City of Pleasanton Housing Element Update Final Environmental Impact <br />Report (FEIR); adopt a resolution to approve an application for Annexation (P22-1089); <br />introduce ordinances, and waive the first readings, to approve a Planned Unit <br />Development (PUD) development plan (PUD -147) to construct a 111 -lot residential <br />subdivision, including an age -qualified community with 92 single-family detached <br />homes, 18 affordable senior courtyard detached and duet homes, one existing single- <br />family residence, and related on -and off-site improvements and a Pre -Annexation and <br />Development Agreement (P24-0378); adopt a resolution to approve a Vesting Tentative <br />Map (Tract 8522), and adopt a resolution approving an Affordable Housing Agreement <br />for the proposed project <br />Recommendation: <br />1. Adopt Resolution No. 2024-054 adopting the CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 <br />Consistency Checklist, prepared pursuant to the City of Pleasanton Housing <br />Element Update Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), finding that the document <br />satisfies all requirements of CEQA, and is adequate to serve as the <br />environmental documentation for the proposed project, as the conditions <br />described in CEQA Guidelines Sections 15183 have not occurred. <br />2. Adopt Resolution No. 2024-055 approving Annexation (P22-1089) and a Vesting <br />Tentative Map (Tract 8522). <br />3. Find the proposed PUD Development Plan for PUD -147 is consistent with the <br />City Council Minutes Page 8 of 10 July 16, 2024 <br />