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ORD 2281
City of Pleasanton
2201 - 2300
ORD 2281
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Ordinance No. 2281 <br /> Page 5 of 32 <br /> redevelopment, or reconstruction of any public or private residential project <br /> (whether single-family, multi-unit, or planned unit development); or industrial, <br /> commercial, retail or other nonresidential project, including public agency <br /> projects. Development project as defined here and used in this chapter includes <br /> redevelopment, which means land-disturbing activity that results in the creation, <br /> addition, or replacement of exterior impervious surface area on a site on which <br /> some past development has occurred. <br /> 9. "Development runoff requirements" means the provisions in the MRP and any <br /> additional City of Pleasanton standards that contain performance standards to <br /> address both the construction and post-construction phase of new development <br /> and redevelopment projects. <br /> 10."Director" means the Public Works Director of the City of Pleasanton, or his or <br /> her designee. <br /> 11."Discharge" means: a) Any addition or discharge of any pollutant, waste, or <br /> combination of pollutants and waste directly or indirectly to the storm drain <br /> system or to Waters of the United States or Waters of the State from any activity <br /> or operation, or b) Any addition of any pollutant, waste, or combination of <br /> pollutants and waste directly or indirectly to the storm drain system or to the <br /> waters of the contiguous zone or the ocean from any activity or operation other <br /> than a vessel or other floating craft being used as a means of transportation. <br /> This includes additions of pollutants or waste to Waters of the United States or <br /> Waters of the State from: surface runoff which is anthropogenically collected or <br /> channeled; discharges through pipes, sewers, or other conveyances, including <br /> street surfaces and curb and gutters, owned by a State, municipality, or other <br /> Person which do not lead to a treatment facility; and discharges through pipes, <br /> sewers, or other conveyances, leading to privately owned treatment works. <br /> 12."Discharger" means a Person or entity who or which, respectively, allows, <br /> causes, permits to occur, or performs a discharge. "Discharger" also means the <br /> owners of real property on which such activities, operations or facilities are <br /> located; provided, however, that a local government or public authority is not a <br /> discharger as to activities conducted by others in public rights-of-way. <br /> 13."Front yard" means an open space extending the full width of the lot, between a <br /> building and the front lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground <br /> upward except as specified elsewhere in this title. <br /> 14."Full trash capture" or a "full trash capture system or device" means any device <br /> or series of devices that traps all particles retained by a minimum five-millimeter <br /> mesh screen and has a design treatment capacity of not less than the peak flow <br /> rate resulting from a one-year, one-hour storm in the tributary drainage <br /> catchment area. <br />
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