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Ordinance No. 2281 <br /> Page 18 of 32 <br /> A. Stormwater Source Controls. Source controls as described in the MRP and in <br /> further detail in the Pleasanton Standard Specification Section 5 are required for <br /> all development projects doing work in the City of Pleasanton. <br /> 1. Architectural Copper. Copper metal roofing, copper granule containing <br /> asphalt shingles, copper gutters, copper flashing, and copper architectural <br /> ornaments shall not be permitted for use on any residential, commercial, or <br /> industrial building for which a building permit is required. Replacement roofing <br /> and gutters on historic structures are exempt, provided that the roofing <br /> material used shall be pre-patinated at the factory. For the purposes of this <br /> exemption, the definition of"historic" shall be as identified in the City of <br /> Pleasanton's Downtown Specific Plan. <br /> B. Site design techniques. Development projects that fall into the applicable <br /> thresholds as defined in the MRP shall incorporate at least one of the following <br /> site design techniques, as applicable to the project: <br /> 1. Direct roof runoff into cisterns or rain barrels for use. <br /> 2. Direct roof runoff onto vegetated areas through disconnected roof leaders <br /> that are properly located to prevent erosion of landscaped materials. <br /> 3. Direct runoff from sidewalks, walkways, patios, driveways, uncovered <br /> parking onto vegetated areas. <br /> 4. Construct sidewalks, walkways, patios, driveways, uncovered parking, or <br /> bike lanes with permeable surfaces as defined in the MRP. <br /> Applicants for these projects shall select, design, and construct these site <br /> design measures, as applicable, with the requirements and guidelines set <br /> forth in the most current version of following documents: <br /> 1. MRP <br /> 2. C.3 Technical Guidance Manual <br /> The above referenced documents, as amended and reissued from time to <br /> time, are incorporated by reference into this chapter. These documents shall <br /> be available for download at the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program <br /> website. <br /> C. Regulated Projects, as defined in the MRP, are required to incorporate additional <br /> site design, stormwater treatment, and/or hydromodification management <br /> measures. These measures are required to remain in place throughout the life of <br /> the development project to address stormwater runoff pollutant discharges and <br /> prevent increases in runoff flow rates and volumes. Applicants for development <br />