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Ordinance No. 2281 <br /> Page 13 of 32 <br /> § 9.14.120 Reduction of pollutants in stormwater. <br /> Any person engaged in activities which will or may result in pollutants or waste <br /> discharges entering the City of Pleasanton storm sewer system, natural surface waters, <br /> or watercourses shall undertake all practicable measures to cease such activities, <br /> and/or reduce such pollutants and waste discharges. Examples of such activities <br /> include, but are not limited to, ownership and use of facilities such as parking lots, <br /> gasoline stations, auto services, industrial facilities, and commercial facilities fronting <br /> City of Pleasanton streets. <br /> The authorized enforcement official shall have the authority to inspect any activity <br /> conducted within the City of Pleasanton pursuant to Sections 9.14.170 - 9.14.280. <br /> When any activity is being performed contrary to the provisions of this code and has the <br /> potential to result in a discharge to the MS4, the authorized enforcement official may <br /> order the activity stopped until appropriate controls are implemented be pursuant to <br /> Sections 9.14.170 - 9.14.280. <br /> A. General Requirements. <br /> 1. Littering <br /> a. No person shall throw, deposit, leave, maintain, keep or permit to be <br /> thrown, deposited, placed, left or maintained, any refuse, rubbish, garbage <br /> or other discarded or abandoned objects, articles and accumulations, in or <br /> upon any street, alley, sidewalk, storm drain, inlet, catch basin, conduit or <br /> other drainage structures, business place or upon any public or private lot <br /> of land in the City of Pleasanton, so that the same might be or become a <br /> pollutant, except in containers or in lawfully established dumping grounds. <br /> b. No Person shall throw or deposit litter in any fountain, pond, lake, creek, <br /> or any other body of water in a park or elsewhere within the City of <br /> Pleasanton. Litter is defined as "garbage", "refuse" and rubbish, and all <br /> other waste material. <br /> 2. Standard maintenance of premises. <br /> a. Persons owning or operating premises shall clean the property and storm <br /> drainage structures as frequently and thoroughly as practicable in a <br /> manner that does not result in discharge of pollutants or waste to the MS4. <br /> b. The Responsible Person for any business in the City of Pleasanton in front <br /> of which there is a paved sidewalk shall maintain said sidewalk free of dirt <br /> and litter to the MEP. Sweepings from said sidewalk shall not be swept or <br /> otherwise made or allowed to go into the gutter, roadway, or MS4, but <br /> shall be disposed of in receptacles maintained on said real property as <br /> required for the disposal of garbage. <br /> c. If wet cleaning is required to maintain the appearance of the sidewalk, <br />