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Ordinance No. 2281 <br /> Page 10 of 32 <br /> thereto, the California Water Code and applicable implementing regulations, and <br /> the MRP and any amendment, revision or reissuance thereof. <br /> B. The standards established by this chapter are minimum standards. Therefore, <br /> this chapter does not intend nor imply that compliance by any discharger will <br /> ensure that the discharger will not cause contamination, pollution, or <br /> unauthorized discharge of pollutants or waste into Waters of the United States or <br /> Waters of the State. Ensuring that the discharger does not contaminate, pollute, <br /> or otherwise discharge pollutants or waste into the Waters of the United States or <br /> to Waters of the State is the ultimate responsibility of the discharger. This chapter <br /> shall not create liability on the part of the City of Pleasanton or any City of <br /> Pleasanton agent or employee for any damages that result from the discharger's <br /> reliance on this chapter, or any lawful administrative decision made under this <br /> chapter. <br /> § 9.14.060 Scope and limits of this chapter <br /> This chapter shall apply to: <br /> A. Ministerial as well as discretionary approvals of development projects. <br /> B. Dischargers at or from parcels and premises within the City of Pleasanton, which <br /> have been found to, or may be reasonably considered to, cause or contribute to <br /> pollution of stormwater runoff or illegal connections and other illicit discharges. <br /> C. Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted to infringe any right or power <br /> guaranteed by the United States constitution or the California constitution, <br /> including any vested property right. <br /> § 9.14.070 Severability and validity <br /> If any portion of the ordinance codified in this chapter is declared invalid, the remaining <br /> portions of such ordinance are considered to be valid. <br /> § 9.14.080 Discharge of pollutants. <br /> A. General Prohibition. Any discharge to the MS4 not composed entirely of <br /> stormwater is prohibited, except as set forth in Section 9.14.080 <br /> B. The City of Pleasanton has the authority and duty to require any Person <br /> intending to connect to the MS4 to adhere to this chapter, the MRP, and any <br /> amendment, revision, or reissuance thereof. <br /> C. It is unlawful to throw, deposit, leave, abandon, maintain or keep materials or <br /> wastes on public or private lands in a manner and place where they may result in <br />