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IPM PROGRAM <br />areas shall receive a notice by email. Directors are responsible for notifying personnel in <br />their respective areas should the need arise. There is no general time window to notify <br />directors, as notices are case specific. Information in emails shall include general <br />notification messages. Information such as name of pesticides, and pest targeted shall be <br />shared upon request. Immediately upon the use of a pesticide and at the discretion of the <br />applicator, technicians shall post signage that includes information on measures <br />undertaken in the respective area. Technicians shall use tags and locks accordingly. <br />RECORD KEEPING <br />Monitoring the effectiveness of the IPM Plan over time requires diligent tracking of several <br />items: pest populations and locations; management strategies employed; quantities and <br />types of chemicals and products used; and the outcome of pest management activities. <br />Torpedo Pest Control shall maintain records that include the information below. <br />1. Date, time, method, and location of pesticide application <br />2. Pest targeted <br />3. Prevention and other non-chemical methods of control used <br />4. Type and quantity of pesticide used, including trade name and active ingredient <br />5. Summary of results <br />6. Name of the pesticide applicator <br />5. Registration number <br />Torpedo Pest Control records the above information manually on paper. The IPM <br />supervisor will then add the information to an electronic database. Companies records <br />via electronic service reports. Companies technicians then email reports to a superior to <br />add to an electronic database. <br />COMPLAINS AND REQUESTS <br />The IPM supervisor shall handle all complaints and request by students, staff, faculty or <br />any external personnel. <br />6 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 16D1C412-7260-4260-8A87-C870C0BEE374