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IPM PROGRAM <br />MEANS OF APPLICATION <br />Torpedo Pest Control uses several types of application to apply pesticides. These include <br />bait applications, dust applications, aerosol applications, liquid applications, and granular <br />applications. Aerosol, dust, and liquid applications are primarily limited to cracks and <br />crevices. In the case of emergencies due to accidents, all relevant 911 services will be <br />contacted. Torpedo Pest Control’s team is responsible for ensuring spills are properly <br />attended to. <br />GENERAL CHEMICAL STORAGE PRACTICES <br />Chemicals are stored and used per the SDS standards for each product. Areas covered <br />include storage areas, labels, product information, signage, preparation, and disposal. <br />The IPM supervisor shall maintain safety data sheets for each pesticide used on Torpedo <br />Pest Control’s properties. <br />STRATEGIES FOR IPM PREVENTION <br />The following strategies are among many best management practices that Torpedo Pest <br />Control promotes and encourages as means to prevent pest infestation. <br />INDOOR SITES <br />Entryways <br />•Keep exterior doors shut when not in use <br />•Keep vegetation, trees, shrubs, and ivy from contacting buildings <br />Classrooms and Offices <br />•Allow food and beverages only in designated areas <br />•Keep indoor plants healthy <br />•Keep areas dry as possible by removing standing water, water damaged or wet <br />materials, and repairing water leaks <br />Food Preparation and Serving Areas <br />4 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 16D1C412-7260-4260-8A87-C870C0BEE374