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PEST CONTROL SERVICES <br />RFB PWD 24.408 <br />Page | 7 <br />ATTACHMENT I <br />BID RESPONSE PACKAGE <br /> <br />Required Documentation and Submittals <br />All of the specific documentation listed below is required to be submitted with the Exhibit A <br />- Bid Form as part of the Bid Response Packet in order for a bid to be deemed complete. <br />Bidders shall submit all documentation in the order listed below and clearly label each <br />section with the appropriate title. <br />Submitted bid MUST contain the following or may be subjected to disqualification: <br /> <br /> 1. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: name, address, year established, <br />principals of company and professional status as applicable. <br /> <br /> 2. WORK EXPERIENCE: 3 references for work or services that have been <br />completed by your company in the last three years within the Bay Area or San <br />Joaquin Valley. <br /> <br /> 3. BID FORM: Complete the tables with the dollar amount for each of the (3) <br />years of service and fill out the additional trash and recyclable collection <br />weekly and monthly amounts. <br /> <br /> 4. PERSONNEL: Bid responses shall include a complete list of all key <br />personnel associated with the RFB. For each person on the list, the following <br />information shall be included: <br />a. Name, including job title and years of employment with Bidder. <br />b. The role that the person will play in connection with the RFB. <br />c. Person’s relevant experience, certifications, and/or merits <br /> <br /> 5. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: Any additional information deemed <br />necessary by your company to assist the City in the selection process <br />including any special project provisions or specifications that the contractor <br />brings to the bid process and actual service work. <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE: If Bidder or other interested person is a corporation, provide <br />legal name of corporation, state where incorporated, and names of the president and secretary <br />thereof; if a partnership, give name of the company, also names of individuals co-partners <br />composing company; if contractor or other interested person is an individual, give first and last <br />names in full. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />    <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 16D1C412-7260-4260-8A87-C870C0BEE374