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<br />4879-3324-5885v3 <br />17 <br />Management Plan as approved by City, and throughout the Term, shall submit proposed <br />modifications to City for review and approval. <br />In addition to the foregoing, the Marketing Plan and the Property Management Plan, as <br />applicable, shall address the following: <br />(a) The actions to be taken by Owner to affirmatively market units in <br />compliance with fair housing laws and in compliance with City’s policies and <br />procedures, including the policies described in Section 3.9.1 above; <br />(b) Criteria, procedures and policies that will be used to determine tenant <br />eligibility, including certification of household income and size, age of household <br />members or other qualifying criteria, and establishing reasonable occupancy standards <br />(which shall not exceed standards established by state and federal fair housing laws and <br />state housing and building codes), and procedures for screening prospective tenants, <br />including obtaining credit reports, unlawful detainer reports, landlord references and <br />criminal background investigations; <br /> <br />(c) Subject to Section 3.9.1, a requirement that eligible tenants be selected <br />based on order of application, lottery or other reasonable method approved by City; <br /> <br />(d) A requirement that eligible applicants be notified of eligibility and be <br />provided an estimate regarding when a unit may be available; <br /> <br />(e) A requirement that ineligible applicants be notified of the reason for their <br />ineligibility; <br /> <br />(f) Specific procedures through which applicants deemed to be ineligible may <br />appeal this determination; <br /> <br />(g) Maintenance of a waiting list of eligible applicants; <br /> <br />(h) Specific procedures for obtaining documentation regarding prospective <br />tenants’ incomes, as necessary, to certify that such income does not exceed income <br />limits; <br /> <br />(i) Specific procedures for certification and recertification of household <br />incomes and procedures for handling over-income tenants; <br /> <br />(j) A description of actions that will be taken to provide reasonable <br />accommodations to residents as needed; <br /> <br />(k) A requirement that a written rental agreement (in form approved by City) <br />be executed with each Eligible Household selected to occupy a Restricted Unit; <br /> <br />(l) A detailed listing of reasonable rules of conduct and occupancy which