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<br />4879-3324-5885v3 <br />10 <br />of the Project receive all notices, benefits and assistance to which they are entitled in accordance <br />with California Relocation Assistance Law (Government Code Section 7260 et seq.), all State <br />and local regulations implementing such law, and all other applicable local, State and federal <br />laws, regulations and policies, including but not limited to the Uniform Relocation Act (42 <br />U.S.C. § 4601 et seq.) and implementing regulations (all of the foregoing, collectively <br />“Relocation Laws”) relating to the displacement and relocation of eligible persons as defined in <br />such Relocation Laws. All costs incurred in connection with the temporary and/or permanent <br />displacement and/or relocation of occupants of the Project, including without limitation <br />payments to a relocation consultant, moving expenses, and payments for temporary and <br />permanent relocation benefits pursuant to Relocation Laws shall be paid by Owner, and City <br />shall have no responsibility for payment therefor. <br /> <br />Owner shall indemnify, defend with counsel approved by City, and hold the Indemnitees <br />harmless from and against all Claims arising from the breach of Owner’s obligations set forth in <br />this Section whether or not any insurance policies shall have been determined to be applicable to <br />any such Claims. Owner’s indemnification obligations set forth in this Section: (i) shall survive <br />the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, and (ii) shall not extend to Claims to the <br />extent arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees. City does not <br />and shall not waive any rights against Owner that it may have by reason of any indemnity and <br />hold harmless provision set forth in this Agreement because of the acceptance by City, or the <br />deposit with City by Owner, of any of the insurance policies described in this Agreement. <br />3.11 Rental Agreements. Lease and rental agreements for the Restricted Units must <br />comply with the following terms. <br />(1) The term must be not less than one (1) year unless by mutual agreement between <br />tenant and Owner. <br />(2) Any termination of tenancy or refusal to renew a lease must be preceded by thirty <br />(30) days written notice (or such longer period as required by law) specifying the grounds for the <br />action. Owner shall not terminate the tenancy or refuse to renew the lease of a tenant except for <br />serious or repeated violation of the terms and conditions of the lease, for violation of applicable <br />federal, state, or local law, or for other good cause. <br />(3) Leases may not contain any of the following prohibited clauses: <br />• Agreement by the tenant to be sued, to admit guilt, or to a judgment in favor of <br />Owner or Owner’s agent in a lawsuit brought in connection with the lease; <br />• Agreement by the tenant that Owner may take, hold, or sell personal property of <br />household members without notice to the tenant and a court decision on the rights <br />of the parties. This prohibition, however, does not apply to an agreement by the <br />tenant concerning disposition of personal property remaining in the housing unit <br />after the tenant has moved out of the unit. Owner may dispose of this personal <br />property in accordance with State law;