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Page 2 of 4 <br />of Pleasanton Garbage Service’s actual cost of operations and operational statistics (staffing <br />levels, routes, route hours, customers, and service levels, etc.) to forecast the Total Calculated <br />Costs for the coming rate period. The intent of performing the cost-based adjustment is to <br />examine the actual impact of changes in costs, the number of customers and the service level <br />of customers. The Rate Adjustment Factor is the lesser of 6 percent or the difference <br />(measured as a percentage) between the forecasted Total Calculated Costs for the coming <br />rate period and the Gross Rate Revenues of the most-recently completed 12-month period <br />(adjusted to reflect the most recent rate adjustment). The Rate Adjustment Factor is applied to <br />the then-current rates, with any additional costs factored in, to determine the rates for the <br />coming rate period. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION <br />The Seventh Rate Period stipulates the use of a cost-based rate adjustment methodology. <br />PGS submitted its application for a rate adjustment on December 22, 2023. PGS’s application <br />included a total Calculated Cost of $36,536,914 to provide current franchised services for Rate <br />Period Seven. Based on HF&H’s review of the application, and the recommended adjustments <br />to the application, a total revenue requirement of $36,951,004 was determined. HF&H’s <br />adjustments to PGS’s application are described in more detail in Attachment 1. After inclusion <br />of City costs allowed for in the Franchise Agreement and outlined in more detail below, these <br />total adjustments result in a 3.90 percent overall rate increase, roughly equivalent to the <br />current Consumer Price Index (CPI), to provide the services currently required in the <br />Agreement and meet State requirements. <br /> <br />New costs in Rate Period Seven include the introduction of City staff costs needed to facilitate <br />compliance with SB 1383, which requires cities and waste facilities to implement, measure, <br />and report organic waste activity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by diverting organic <br />waste from landfills, as well as the start of incorporating a Vehicle Impact Mitigation Fee into <br />the rate structure to offset street maintenance costs. These new annual costs total $500,000 <br />and $1,329,400 respectively. Approval of this recommended rate increase will bolster the <br />City’s ability to maintain its road system and provide consistent funding for staff to ensure the <br />long-term sustainability of the City’s waste and recycling program. <br /> <br />Adding three to five full-time staff to support the City’s waste and recycling program was <br />outlined in the SB 1383 Action Plan adopted by the City Council on July 20, 2021. Currently, <br />the City has 2.30 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) staff allocated to waste and recycling. This <br />includes a portion of the Assistant to the City Manager position, a full-time Management <br />Analyst and a Recycling Coordinator. With the City's waste and recycling program expanding <br />to comply with new SB 1383 requirements, some of the revenue generated by the proposed <br />cost-based adjustment to garbage rates will be allocated to support a new Waste and <br />Recycling Manager position that will oversee the City’s waste and recycling team and the <br />Franchise Agreement, as well as other waste and recycling related programs and projects. <br />Once all position-related details have been finalized, staff will include a recommendation to <br />add this position, which will be 100 percent funded with non-General Fund dollars, as part of <br />future budget updates. <br /> <br />The current Franchise Agreement Section 7.2 also allows for establishment of a Vehicle <br />Impact Mitigation Fee which is currently set at $0 per year. On June 7, 2022, the City Council <br />authorized the Vehicle Impact Mitigation Fee Study as part of the allowable expenses from <br />Fund 171 PGS Reserve Fund. Pursuant to City Council direction, HF&H conducted an analysis <br />Page 26 of 720