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<br /> <br /> <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />In comparison, the volume of traffic on South Valley Trails is 150 to 200 vehicles/hour and <br />provides many gaps in traffic to access the roadway. The signalized intersection then provides <br />a controlled access to Hopyard Road. As described above, having project traffic enter/exit the <br />project site from South Valley Trails would not cause any impacts from a traffic operations <br />perspective. <br /> <br />Emergency Access/Response Times <br />Several public comments noted concerns about added project traffic and related congestion <br />contributing to delayed response for emergency vehicles. Particular concerns were raised <br />about the “horseshoe” configuration of the major access road through the Valley Trails <br />neighborhood, and effects of the project on egress from the neighborhood in an emergency. <br />The Deputy Fire Chief/Fire Marshal has confirmed that both the existing Valley Trails <br />neighborhood, and the proposed project, have adequate means of egress in conformance with <br />the Fire Code. All of the units in the proposed project would have fire sprinklers, also in <br />conformance with the Fire Code. The Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal further confirmed that <br />response times would not be adversely affected by LPFD apparatus access or egress to/from <br />the Valley Trails neighborhood with or without the proposed project at 3200 Hopyard Road. <br />The neighborhood is identified in the General Plan as meeting the required response times <br />identified in General Plan Public Safety Element Policy 10. <br /> <br />Parking <br />Per PMC Section 18.88.030.A.(2), condominiums are required to have at least two parking <br />spaces per unit. The project proposes two parking spaces for each townhome unit (a <br />condominium) within a two-car garage.1 Per PMC 18.88.030.A.(3)(a), apartments with two <br />bedrooms or less, a minimum of two spaces shall be required for each of the first four units; <br />one and one-half spaces for each additional unit. The applicant has requested a State Density <br />Bonus waiver to reduce the parking requirement. As such, the project proposed the one- <br />bedroom apartment units (floor plan 5) provide one parking space per unit by a one-car <br />garage. <br /> <br />The PMC does not require that guest parking be provided for condominiums and apartment <br />housing. However, the project proposes to provide six guest parking spaces. <br /> <br />Note that pursuant to State Density Bonus law, the City may not require more than a <br />prescribed number of parking spaces for density bonus projects – for studio and one bedroom <br />units, no more than one space per unit may be required; for 2 and 3 bedroom units, no more <br />than 1.5 spaces can be required per unit; and for 4 bedroom units, not more than 2.5 spaces <br />per unit can be required. (The City’s parking ratio of 2 spaces per unit is less than this latter <br />requirement, and is therefore the maximum that can be required even for the larger 4 bedroom <br />units). <br /> <br />While public parking is not permitted on Hopyard Road, public, on-street parking is available <br />on South Valley Trails, west of the existing entrance to the Harvest Valley Church. Public <br />parking is not assigned to any individual private use or residence. While there is the potential <br />for guests of the project to seek to park on-street if spaces are not available within the project, <br />they would be required to park within legal public spaces, where there is adequate lane width <br /> <br />1 At least one space of the off-street parking spaces is required to be located in a garage or carport per the PMC.