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5/20/2024 9:32:01 AM
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<br /> 4663 Bernal Ave. Suite B, Pleasanton, Ca. 94566…..925.462.3030… <br /> Tri-Valley Community Television <br /> 2023-2024 Rate Card For Pleasanton Consortium Member City Council Meetings Planning Commission and Parks and Rec. Meetings Description of Service: Fee: <br />Additional information: <br />This rate card will be effective for meetings beginning July 1, 2023 until further notice. Tri-Valley Community Television reserves the right to change rates upon 30 days notice to Client. Invoices are due upon receipt unless other arrangements have been made. Rates published herein are for Public City Council Meetings, Planning Commission Meetings and Park and Rec. Meetings only. Please contact Tri-Valley TV for current rates for productions of meetings other than those noted above or special events. Please request in advance rates and availability for meetings off site at other locations other than the Council Chamber. Ple ase let us know services desired i.e.; record only, live broadcasting , mics, PA etc. A stable Ethernet connection may be required for live broadcast at an alternate venue. Although Tri-Valley TV strives to provide excellent production, Tri-Valley TV is not responsible for the quality of productions when using Client’s equipment and set-up. 1. Broadcast fee is “oto” one time only per meeting. Covers multiple scheduling and airings, a per run broadcast fee is not assessed. 2. Post production as requested by Client. Production changes made after the meeting at the Client’s request such as graphics added, meeting edited, etc. 3. For regularly scheduled meetings. To guarantee equipment availability, Client meetings should be booked as far in advance as possible with Tri-Valley TV. For your Cities' regular meetings, Tri-Valley TV will schedule the use of the standard crew, camera and audio equipment set-up previously used for your meeting unless otherwise notified by Client. If your meeting usually requires use of the production van, this will also be taken into account. Tri-Valley TV does not guarantee equipment or crew will available unless otherwise confirmed in writing by Tri-Valley TV. Should you have your meeting on a different day, different location or require additional equipment for a special meeting, additiona l fees may apply. Client will be notified of additional charges as soon as possible in advance of the production. 4. $25.86 per meting hour. Client will be charged for meeting time only not set up or break down time. Travel time will be charged if Supervising Producer needs to travel to meeting due to an emergency which was out of Tri-Valley TVs control. Example: client’s equipment breaks down. Work performed less than one hour will be charged in thirty-minute increments. 5. $23.58 per person, per hour. Includes travel , setup and tear down time. Typical on site Crew may include Camera operators, Van operators, Graphics and Audio operators. Two crew members are standard however crew members vary as needed per production and location. A minimum of two hours will be charged for on site crew for all productions. Work performed for more than two hours will be charged in th irty-minute increments. It is Client’s responsibility to provide written notice of cancellation to Tri-Valley TV at least 48 business hours (M-F) in advance of the meeting start time. If cancellation is not received within this time frame Tri -Valley TV reserves the right to charge a minimum four hour crew fee. 6. $23.85 per person, per hour. Engineer located at TVCTV. Work includes audio and video QC check, recordings, live broadcast coordination, monitoring, breaking, ingesting into servers. Work performed less than one hour will be charged in thirty -minute increments. Client may request a Broadcast day or time, Tri-Valley TV will do its best to honor the request but does not guarantee the day or time period to be available. Tri-Valley TV reserves the right to determine the times, frequency and channel of the broadcasts. 5-31-2022 Updated 5-23--2017 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Standard Tri-Valley TV Meeting Production and Broadcast <br />Rates are for regularly scheduled meetings. These fees for production include use of camera(s), audio recording equipment and the van as available(3). The below fees do not include public address systems (PA) including mixers, mics or speakers. Supervising Producer $25.86 per meeting hour(4) Crew at meeting as required $23.58 per person per hour(5) Engineering required to ready for Broadcast $23.85 per hour (6) Broadcast $122.59 oto (1) per meeting Post production as requested by Client $23.85 per hour (2) Chapterizing and video on demand services available upon request. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E6AAC20-0386-49CF-ACF4-8F671E86B665
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