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<br /> <br /> <br />36 <br />outstanding balance on June 30, 2023, was $1,900,000. The outstanding bonds were paid off in <br />April 2024 with funds borrowed from the City’s Equipment Replacement Fund. The interfund <br />loan amount is $965,160 with a five-year repayment term. The loan bears variable annual <br />interest that is based on the investment return generated by the City’s investment pool. The <br />current interest rate is about 1.5%. Principal and interest are due annually in June. The loan can <br />be paid off anytime within the five-year period without penalty. The repayment is not secured by <br />a pledge of the Net Revenues and, accordingly, is a subordinate debt obligation of the Water <br />System. <br /> <br />Funds and Reserves <br /> <br />The City currently maintains separate funds for the Water System. Each of these funds <br />is treated as a separate accounting entity, but are consolidated for rate setting. <br /> <br />The Water Operating Fund is the main operating fund of the Water System. The <br />fund is used to pay for all operating and maintenance costs for water system. The fund is <br />also used for ongoing capital and replacement projects as budgeted each year. <br /> <br />The Water CIP Fund is used for specific capital improvement projects that were <br />budgeted in past years. Each year, the City sets aside the full cost of capital <br />improvements approved that year by transferring money from the Water Operating Fund <br />to the Water CIP Fund. The Water CIP Fund typically carries a significant balance that is <br />reserved for the remaining costs of projects approved in prior years but still under <br />construction. <br /> <br />The Water Connection Fees Fund was established to record connection fees that <br />are paid by developers to connect new services to the water system, and are used to <br />fund improvements and expansion of the water system to accommodate new <br />development. The fees also cover the incremental cost of future expansion and <br />improvements necessary to accommodate new developments. <br /> <br />The City’s fiscal policies and fiscal practices provide as follows, among other things: <br /> <br />(1) The City will maintain working capital in the Water System funds to <br />provide for future capital projects and unanticipated emergencies, such as pump station <br />repairs. The City will attempt to maintain a working capital reserve of at least 30% of the <br />annual operating and maintenance expenses for the Water Fund. As of June 30, 2023, <br />the amount in this reserve was $8.0 million (unaudited). <br /> <br />(2) A plan will be developed to provide a roadmap to replenish the reserve <br />through a rate study when the reserve level is below 30%. <br /> <br />(3) Unspent funds in the Water CIP Fund will be used for future capital <br />projects and is served as a rate stabilization fund in which funds can be transferred back <br />to the Water Operating Fund to cover operating expenses if needed. <br />